
on 7/11/05 11:29 am - AL
I have just realized this board is here and boy am I glad to find so many friendly people who are in the same stage of wls as me. Lord knows I'm in need of some help. Up to this point in my journey I have been fortunate that the weight has literally melted off with very little effort. I mean. I did start at the gym at about 3 months and was faithfully working out everyday utill the kids got out of school at the end of May- but I actually enjoyed it. Well, for about 6 weeks now, I haven't been to the gym. I finished my membership and one gym and need to switch to the YMCA now because they started offering major discounts for Firemen and families. (DH is a fireman) The YMCA is a little further away, and I just haven't made it down there yet for a million and one reasons. Yada-yada-yada! I do however swim almost everyday with the kids and I try to make it some-what aerobic. But this last month, the loss has stalled big time. Now don't get me wrong-I'm very happy with the amount of my loss. 88 lbs in 6 months isn't bad no matter how you look at it. But I know this lag in my loss in my own doing and I need someone to come down to Alabama and knock me over the head!!!! I'm not in the gym like I should be, I'm not getting a fourth of the water in most of the time (my lips stayed chapped) and I really suck at the whole protien thing (good-bye long, thick, silky hair). I should be shooting for about 70 grams, but I don't even come close to half of that. I'm making very poor food choices. Thank God I dump on a trace of sugar or I'm sure I'd be face down in the key lime pie left over from the Hurricane party this weekend! It's easy for me to blame it on the fact that I'm a busy stay at home mom to 4 kids (2 are 4 yo twins), but you know that's my life-Everyday, so I've got to find some way to figure my own health into the equation of taking care of my family! I know what I need to do, I'm just not doing it!!!! I've never regretting one moment of this journey. I'm half way there and I don't want to start screwing it up now. Or ever for that matter. Soooooo, can some one move in with me, get me out of bed everyday, drive me to the gym, start my IV of fluids and cook healthy meals for me??? Any fairy Godmothers out there???? Thanks for letting me go on-I feel better already! I'm really glad I found this board!
on 7/11/05 11:46 am - Northfield Center, OH
Jennifer!! I'm so glad you wrote!!! For some reason alot of us seem to be falling behind and I for one need a boot in the butt!!! I've lost 100 pounds, I feel wonderful, I look great (clothed that is!!!) I havent seen a size 12 forever and now I'm eating things that are bad for me and not exercising the way I should be.... Why I don't know but for me it must stop I worked to da@n hard to get here. We have to think what we went thru and what our families went thru..... You're not the only one, at support group meetings I'm told this is normal----not good---but normal. We can do this---- we have to work at this and we can--- God Bless.....Judy
on 7/11/05 9:38 pm - Magnolia, KY
Welcome Jennifer!! We had our surgeries the same day!! I have lost 70 pounds and feel great, most of the time. I too can tell I'm eating differently. Eating more than I should and sometimes not the best choices!! BAD BAD ME!! I have started making myself do 50 sit-ups everyday. Before this week all I was doing was walking and not very far or often!! What has helped me with the exercise is an accountibility friend. We email each other! Asking have you exercised today?? We confess to each other if we have not done as well as we should. Mostly it is encouragement and support. My new WLS buddy is like me, not doing as well as she should. That has helped me a great deal. You are right our everyday routines are just that everyday things we do! We have to add more healthy activity and choices! Me included!! So, glad you found us. Keep focused and you will be fine!! Blessings Tonya
on 7/11/05 9:45 pm - Magnolia, KY
Jennifer I almost forgot .... The kids go back to school in about 4 weeks where I'm at. Enjoy the time with those babies and then hit that YMCA with a passion!! I'm so glad to have my guys home for the summer and by the time school starts back we are all ready!! LOL But this year my oldest son will be a senior!! UUGGGGHHHHH!! Where has my sweet baby boy gone!! He is a good young man and I'm so proud of him!! Just wanted to remind you to enjoy those babies!! Blessings Tonya
on 7/11/05 11:05 pm - Effort, PA
My son goes back at the end of August to school. Boy the summers sure fly don't they? Donna 338/201 -137
Monica B.
on 7/11/05 11:25 pm - Emery, SD
Hello Jennifer. Glad you came here and found us. We are all in this together women. Remember we did not get morbidly obese overnight and we will not get totally healthier and thinner overnight too. Shedding the weight should not be a downward spiral but to be successful it must be achieved in steps. This is what my Weight Management doctors, nurses, and nutritionist keep telling me. Our bodies need "stalls" or plateaus to adjust to the weight coming off. You are an active women who has been through so much in these past 7 months, never mind that you have 4 children. Keeping on track with your water and food is difficult indeed. Do not sabotage yourself Jennifer. Believe in yourself and the success and achievements you have done. I wish I could be your Fairy Godmother, but at age 57 I want the same thing sometimes too. Putting yourself first is so difficult, but guess what?... this is what has to happen. Those children and your DH need you to be the best you can be so you must come First. Make a plan daily for you. Set goals and challenge yourself to met them. I do this. True I am a kept women, (my DH is retired, takes care of the house, laundry, grown children still living at home...wish they would move dear God please) who just has to worry about herself. I go to work and I have my daily foods planned, I keep a water bottle next to me and I sip all day and at home too. Do you post your intake on This is a great free website that tracks your food, drink, and exercise. It takes a little effort to set it up, but then it is so easy to use. Remember this is a journey for the rest of your life. By laying good solid ground work now you will be able to make this surgery and your weight loss a lifetime achievement. No more yo-yo ups, ups, ups with the weight. I want for you to have a good long happy healthier life, my only regret is that for me at age 57 this surgery did not happen sooner. Spending 40+ years as a fat then morbidly obese women made me a prisoner. Set yourself free sweet Jennifer. Good luck. Visit here often, share, care, learn, support, bit*h, laugh, and celebrate. Monica age 57 12/06/04 330/232/1??.........heathier, happiness, sexier
on 7/11/05 11:31 pm - Long Island, NY
Jennifer, My husband is from Alabama and I'm sure he'd like for us to make a trip down there to help you out. Seriously though, you need to make an effort to get in your water and protein. I think this is way more important than the exercise. Not that I am dimishing the importance of the exercise. I found that my weight loss moves along a little more rapidly when I am drinking more water. Especially with the hot weather, you need to stay hydrated or your body will try to hold onto as much water as it can. And protein - what can I say. If you can't get your protein in with your food you should try supplementing it with protein shakes. Good luck with refocusing on your water and protein! You have really done great so far - congratulations! Mary 302/208/1??
on 7/11/05 11:58 pm - AL
Thanks so much for your lovely, and helpful replys! I feel more motivated already! Yall are so great. The kids go back to school in a month here. The 2 little ones are starting pre-school this year and they will start on Aug.9th. And the 2 older one start the next week on the 15th. I do enjoy having them home. But I'm too am usually ready for them to go back. Of course this will be a big adjustment for me with my two little ones gone too. This is their first year to go to school and they are soooooooooo excited! I have mixed emotions, but I know it will be good for them. They just grow up so darn fast! And this is first time in 12 years that I'll have time alone-"me" time. What do I do?????? I'll probalby just volunteer more at the schools. I'll have 3 to keep up with now! My babies are in pre-school, my son in Elementary (4th) and my oldest in Middle School (7th). Anyway, thanks so much. And again-I'm so glad to have found this board! Jennifer
on 7/12/05 12:48 am - Toccoa, GA
Hey Jennifer! Welcome to the December Gang! I glad you found us over here. This Group is great and you will always feel welcome. Don't worry bout falling off the wagoon. It seems like many of us have. I fell off on vacation and can't seem to get back on but together we are all working through this together. Welcome Again! Deana
on 7/12/05 3:13 am - Farmersville, CA
Jennifer, I just want to say Welcome. This little broad has help a lot of us. I am glad to see you are here with all of these friends... Brenda
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