Confession Time - Doing Horrible
I am my own worst enemy. I got this surgery for a reason and I seem to be falling into bad habits again. I have not been paying attention what I have been eating, I have been drinking diet soda off and on, and I had alchohol on Wednesday.
I got down to 164.5, I weighed myself this morning - 168. !!!! What the @#$$!! I know its my own fault, but I am so depressed because I did this to myself. I still have to lose 40lbs. This is so hard.
Is anyone else doing the same?
Don't feel too bad. I am doing the same thing and really need a good swift kick in the butt. I ate 2 candy bars last night and that was after eating bad all week. I've gained back 3 pounds. I seem to have no problem eating too much and all the wrong foods again. It is really scaring me. Maybe we can get back on track together. I have another 40 pounds to go also.
I'm going to tell you the same thing I told Isabel. I've been doing the same thing - but were all going to stop this insanity. We've come too far to give up on ourselves now. Our little food vacation is over - back to reality. I've been craving peanut m&m's all day - but I'm going to hold out for a power crunch bar in 30 minutes. so far I've had about 2 liters of liquid, mostly water. Since I stopped my food vacation Tuesday I'm down three pounds! Hang in there!
*4 pounds from the century club!*

OK Ladies;
You have just experenced a glitch in your computer and now it is time to reload your hard drive. It is time to get back to basics. WATER WATER WATER, PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN, VITAMINS. THERE WILL BE NO MORE CANDY, COOKIES,ALCHOHOL,OR SODAS OF ANY KIND. BY THE WAY IT WILL BE DOUBLE EXERCISE FOR BOTH OF YOU THE REST OF THE WEEK AND NEXT WEEK.
Come on now Girls You both have done so well and I I am very proud of your accomplishments and I know you are so you have had your summer fling now it is back to reality. I have confidence in you both and I know you are winners and not quitters. When I do Sunday weigh-in I want good reports from both of you.
Your Loser Friend,

I'm currently plateaued at 212, down from preop 306. Been at 212 for like 3 weeks. I'm not one of those who can tolerate sugars...anything over like 20 grams gives me dumping syndrome with dizziness, nausea, cold sweats, and near syncope. I know immediately if I've eaten something too sweet (usually when there are no labels to read like at work dinners). As far as sweets, I still crave them. I found cake mix and frosting, no sugar added, in the diabetic section at the grocery store and there was a posting on this board not long ago about a low sugar recipe for snickers type bars, haven't tried it but I'm gonna. We all know that we did not go through this surgery and the hell associated with it for nothing. As a nurse, I worked (preop) on a bariatric surgery floor in Phoenix, AZ and I saw patients post-op who came back with long term complications due to non-compliance. This one lady was about 2 years out and when her lunch tray arrived, fullsize bacon cheesebuger, cake with icing, fries, side salad with regular dressing. I'm thinking they've sent her the wrong tray. When I got around to checking on her again, she had eaten every crumb in site with a regular bottle of mountain dew on the side. She said her surgery "didn't work." She told me she was 350+ preop and her weight on her chart read 365. Another patient who was 4 years out was enjoying ben and jerry's cherry garcia ona stick covered in chocolate. She weighed about 280 and was wearing oxygen to keep her sats above 80. She was later transferred to the ICU and intubated because her oxygen levels fell in the 50s. I'm not going down like that and neither are ya'll.
It happens to us all. I did the same thing - but my vacation is over so back to reality. I've lost three pounds since I got back Monday by going back to the basics - protein/water....................
You've done too well to give up now! Let's do it together - I've been fighting a peanut M & M craving all day - went and got a decaf/sf vanilla/ffskim latte to get me through. In a couple of hours I'm going to reward myself with a double chocolate power crunch bar - that will get me through the craving and give me protein. Love those things. French vanilla and cookies & creme are my favorites but I had to order more. Hang in there. I think I'm going to start posting what did you eat today on here so we can be accountable to ourselves.
*4 pounds to century club!*

You are not the only one fighting the demons from the past. I just had a discussion with my hubby last night about the same thing. I told him that he had to promise to no****ch me gain back all of the weight that I have lost. I find myself cheating almost daily.(not huge amounts of food, just eating things that are high in carbs) A couple spoonfuls of my kids oatmeal with brown sugar, my kids animal crackers and graham crackers, pretzels etc. Seems like I need something crunchy!
We have to hang in there together!
Hi Isabel,
I know this response is soooo late to the message you posted. But I'm going to give you some tough love!. You had this surgery done for a reason. You wanted to stop just existing and start living. A couple of weeks ago when you were talking about your trip to N.Y.C and how you love the honey roasted peanuts it really it home. I live in N.Y and at one point everytime I saw the peanut man he supplied me with my drug of choice "honey roasted cashews". We are always going to battle obesity no matter how thin we are. You control your life you control your food intake. Don't get me wrong I have not been the most perfect WLS participant. This may help not just you but anyone who is reading this:
Take about 15 minutes to an half an hour to complete this exercise
1.Write 5 things that you did not like about yourself before you got the weight loss surgery.
2. Write 5 things that you like about yourself after you had your WLS
Now this is the hard part, ask yourself if you want to increase list number 1 or list number 2. The choice is yours!. God bless you and good luck!
Take care