on 6/13/05 3:45 pm
Mother needs help with PLUS SIZE CLOTHES 34 year old Mother of 3 lives here in Houston lost everything in an Apt. fire. She is a super size lady and clothes are need desperately. She wears between a 4x to 5x-6x if you have any clothes you would like to donate, I would be glad to pay for shipping. She is on a fixed income of less than 1000.00 a month clothes are the one thing she couldn't afford to buy so if you have anything please again help. local agency like our local church are having a hard time finding large size clothes second hand and we can't afford new. please email me [email protected]
on 6/14/05 9:48 pm - Rio Grande, NJ
I am sorry I can not help. but I will ask around and copy this message for our church bulliten. I also sent a message about it to my 2 other support groups online. Hope somebody can help! YOur sister in wls chandi 305/211/?
on 6/14/05 11:05 pm - Chicago, IL
This is horrible . I hope no one was hurt. Unfortunately I gave away ALL of my plus sizes (2x-3x). I however, can offer a suggestion. I don't know how Houston handles apt. fires as far as AID, but here in our beautiful windy city. Local Churches donate clothes as well as toys and food. Also Salvation Army grants permission for the WHOLE affected family to go to ANY salvation army and pick whatever they need. That is not even mentioning that the city of chicago puts families up at a nearby hotel/motel for two weeks or depending on financial status. Also, the city donates 1000.00 of a gift certificate for Target. I really REALLY hope that Houston offers fire victims some sort of help like our mayor has designed for Chicago Residents. This is also a RUDE awakening, that just because you rent, doesn't mean you shouldn't still worry about "insurance". I hope everyone has a great day. Prayers go out to that family, and YOU for helping. Gracie
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