Need a Hug Please!
I have to go see another cardiologist. Apparently my halter monitor showed a huge fluctuation in beats - with the lowest hitting 39 in the middle of the day. I am so happy with the weight loss - but what if something is seriously wrong with me now? The weight dropped off so fast (109 pounds and not even 6 months yet) - what if this kills me? What was the point then?
So sorry for the macabre feeling about this post. I am just so darn frustrated and nervous.
Hiya ;
My wife just had to wear a halter monitor and they saw something. So then they wanted her to have a stress test and after reading it the cardiologist decided that she needed a heart cath which they did last week and found that she had about a 50% blockage in one of the small arteries. He said he was going to treat it with meds and she would have to have another one later and if it got to 75% he would do angioplasty and put a stint in and if it got to 90% they would have to do O/H Surgery on her. So I know it is quite frightful but hang in there. Things are going to be OK, and besides it is probably due to all the changes your body has gone through in the last 5 & 1/2 months not to mention how sick you have been from that stricture you had. So here is a BIG BIG HUG and I will keep you in my prayers. Your Loser Friend,
Have you had your thyroid checked, your TSH? I know that I am having many palpitations caused by the dose of my synthroid medication. It is too high and my TSH was below normal range. I have lost 90 lbs since 12/06/04 and my body does not need as much supplemental hormone. Good luck and keep us posted.
Monica...........healthier, happier, sexier
Laura ,
I'm sorry you are having some problems. What is a halter monitor and why were you wearing it?
Here are all my (((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))) coming your way.
I'll pray for you to have a peaceful mind w/ no worry and a good report back from your Dr.
We are all here for you, Please keep us updated.
In my prayers,