Cranky anyone?
Hi, was just wondering if anyone is cranky? I am so on edge I don't even wanna be with myself! You would think I would be thrilled to lose the weight and I do feel better, but I just can't shake the grumpies. I'm thinking it is because I have lost my frustration outlet (food). Just wondering, Cheryl
My POOR family!! I am such a witch to be around. Everytime one of the kids leave a cup or plate in the living room or a sock somewhere it's like I snap..... I've always been extremely laid back and its like I have had ALOT of caffine!! I hope it stops soon cause yesterday I had a custard donunt and I know that they are eveeeeeeel! It has to stop.... Judy
Ok Here Goes Girls;
You guys are not in the boat by yourselves. If it has anything to do with estrogen I guess we men suffer from it too. I am so anxious all the time and will bite your head off at the least little thing. I am like you, I though that with the weight loss would come all kind of happiness but instead I have become hard to deal with. I think now I would rather argue than eat when I am hungry . I really feel that I know what pms is like for you ladies and have felt like I must surely have been on my period for the last 3 months. So I guess in answer to your question this part does cross gender lines. Your Loser Friend,
PS I too hope this is over soon!!!
You are not alone! I too feel very irritable(sp?) Not always but, sometimes there is complete rage. I wonder if it's my body changing and hormones changing.
I also think maybe I am just more confident about myself therefore, I DON'T let people walk all over me like I did before surgery, so sometimes I am grouchy towards people because of their actions, words, etc.
I have my 6mo check up June 7th and will be bringing this up to my surgeon. I don't feel it is a major issue, but would just like to get his feedback.