Does anyone else have trouble with dry skin and my hair is thinning?

Nanna S.
on 5/7/05 1:16 pm - Tn
Does anyone else have a problem with dry skin and also my hair is thinning really badly...I have up'd my protein intake hoping this will take care of it...But my question is will it grow back? And also about the dry skin, I use moisturizer and also body oil in my bath but I still have trouble with dry skin on my arms and legs...I never had a problem with this before the surgery, is there any suggestions on this to help? I just want to add that I'm very proud of all of you for your weight loss success..All of you are doing great and I'm one of the slow losers and at times I feel discouraged but I read your post and it gives me hope that I'm just in one of those slow stages...I've lost 52 pounds since my surgery on 12/27/04...that goes up at times and then back down...but still having hope that it will start again soon with the going down again...God Bless all of you and best wishes...and Happy Mother's day to all of you MOm's out there...NannaS
Brooke G.
on 5/7/05 4:59 pm - IN
My hair is falling out a lot! I have really long hair and I'm sure thats not helping, but I'm just not ready to cut it yet. As for the dry skin... it's horrible too I have spots that are so dry they are cracking and bleeding, especially around my hands and wrists. Don't feel bad about 52 pounds... thats fantastic... I'm a slow loser too... I'm sure a lot of the weight I've lost has been in hair pounds ;) heheh Best of Luck to you!
on 5/7/05 9:41 pm - Effort, PA
I don't think having long or short hair has anything to do with losing your hair. You just notice it more with longer hair. When I brush my hair it looks like a lot but I keep telling myself. It will grow back, it will grow back. It kind of sucks as you wonder when is it going to stop!!! Donna 338/225 -113
Nanna S.
on 5/7/05 11:56 pm - Tn
Thank you Brooke, It is such an encouragement when others are going through the same things and share their storys also. And he he to the pounds of hair...I feel the same way..My hair use to be very thick but now not so thick...guess my pounds down are due to some of the hair loss too.. You keep up the good work and God Bless you in this journey...NannaS
Karen W.
on 5/7/05 7:42 pm - Ladysmith, WI
I was always told, prior to my surgery and presently, to keep protein intake up to help avoid hair loss. My nutritionist says to eat between 45-60 g per day. I can't really say how much, if any, hair I may have lost. I have fine, thin hair anyway. My daughter says she notices a small spot on the top.
Nanna S.
on 5/8/05 12:02 am - Tn
Hi Karen, My nutritionist also wants me to have 80 g per day...I can not eat that much protein...So I suppliment with the drinks...I had cut down to one drink a day but it was only giving me 40 g so I have up'd my drink to 2 a day to get in the 80g ...the drinks get so expensive but a person's got a do what a person's got a do...Mine is more noticable at the top in the front also...I also have long hair and so far I just don't want to cut it off. I think even if I cut it , it will show where it is the I'll probably hang on to the length...I might try a perm and maybe that will hind it some if it gets too bad...God Bless you on this journey...NannaS
on 5/7/05 9:45 pm - Effort, PA
a great big HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and we are proud of you also for your loss. Stop beating yourself up for being a slower loser. In all honesty your lucky it's coming up slower as the skin bounces back much better when the weight comes up at a slower pace. Your also probably a ware that some of us heavy weights like me loss faster. I would have killed to have only been 250lbs instead of 338lbs the day of surgery. I'm down to 225lbs but I still have aways to go but I'm not crying over it as there is nothing I can do about it. Donna 338/225 -113
on 5/7/05 10:15 pm - Magnolia, KY
I'm in the same boat!! I have a very thin spot on the back of my head!! I also have just recently noticed the dry skin. Mostly my arms so far. I had thought it was from being in the sun so much lately BUT I guess it is surgery related. Was not a problem post-op. I have lost 50 pounds since 12-28-04. I'm happy about it because I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!!!! WOO HOO!!! I feel alive again!! The good news is all this is temporary!! AMEN!! It is worth it because the skin will heal and the hair will grow back!! Have a great day!! Blessings Tonya
on 5/7/05 10:46 pm - Effort, PA
That's all that counts is that we are all healthy and happy with our WLS. Just don't be stupid and do like I did and got my ears pierced again (upper cartilage) I did it soon after surgery and I know better but I wanted them pierced again as one hole had healed up. You should always give your body time to bounce back from any surgery before doing any body piercing or getting tattoos. Donna 338/225 -113
Nanna S.
on 5/8/05 12:09 am - Tn
Hi Tonya, Thanks for the encouragement. YOur so right this is temporary and everything will be fixed later on...God Bless you and best of luck on your journey in weight loss...NannaS
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