B12 Sublingual 5,000 v. B12 Shots (Got a Story to Tell)?
Ok, here is the question for this week guys:
B12 shot v. B12 Sublingual 5,000 tabs
Who is doing what... AND WHY?
My story:
I ordered so much of B12 Sublingual 5,000 tabs, that it has lasted me exactly 3.5 months! I am out now, and boy, was I 'sluggish' for about a week. It seems like a long time for the new order to come, and believe me, I know I should have ordered them sooner, but hey, when you are feelin' good, who cares, right!
Well, in the meantime, I asked my PCP about a B12 shot. I had heard so many who had one say it 'helps' overall, so he ordered it, and it was approved. Seeing that us GB's have malabsortion issues, it was no problem, and I was given a B12 shot on Saturday.
So far, I don't feel a major improvement, but the 'sluggish' feeling has subsided. However, the 'rush' I got from my B12 5,000 Sublingual tabs each day, was superb. I don't have to have a B12 shot for another month, but inbetween time, I will take 1 B12 5,000 per week. Just think, I was taking them everyday! (no wonder, right). I may just decide to do one, or the other, but for now... I just want to feel as good as I can, to work out and be strong!
I suppose, with the B12 shot working over the 1 month period, and the B12 tab 1 per week, I should be back on track to run, exercise, think and feel overall, wonderfully!
What about you? You got a B12 Story?
Do tell!
Vera, Crew Encourager

Hi Vera, I don't have a story but a ? about b-12.
I bought b-12 sublingual and they are little and I'm supposed to take every other day but I take everyday. The ? is, the pill doesn't dissolve, I put it under my tongue for 30 seconds and then i swallow with water.
Do you think it is working? I feel fine, not sluggish but, if it's not dissolving under tongue then I'm not positive. I dont have a check-up re: b-12 until end of may.
Where do you get your b-12 from? How much $ and is it sublingual dots?
Sorry for all the questions.

Hey Kelly! B12 Sublingual is cool under the tongue for 30 seconds, then it is ok to swallow. By then, it has gotton into the blood stream from underneath your tongue.
I buy them online, and @ Vitamin Shoppe. The are 60 in a bottle, 5000mcg, and cost around $14.00, or cheaper online. I found my last 90 on Ebay!
Good luck at the end of May!
Vera, Crew Encourager
Hey guys?
You have to buy the sublingual type of pill. There are oral ones that are meant to be chewed or swallowed, but the sublinquals are dissolvable and absorbed by the blood vessels under the tongue.
B12 can be toxic if taken in too large amounts. It is a fat soluable vitamin and is stored in the fat cells of the body. Please make sure to take only the recommended dosage from your physician.
My surgeon recommends the injection once a month or the sublinquals once a week. Thats all! No more than that. Please clarify with your doc and do as he suggests. In this case, if a little helps a little, alot helps alot is NOT TRUE.
Karen, you are the B12 Police! Ok, right... 1 per week, and 1 shot per month. But, when I work out, sweating and sitting in the steam room, sauna, and swimming pool, so much gets out of me, that I wanted the shot, as a precaution. I will also take 1 pill per week on top of that, just in case. Toxic... ok, but so was all that FAT I had in my body, and I am positive B12 was not a part of it... until now!
So wonderful!
Thanks for sharing!
Vera, Crew Encourager
My weight management doctors don't have me take any other supplements or vitamins other than the Optisource vitamins. These vitamins give me 100% of everything I need daily. I take 1 tablet 4 times a day. These are chewable, taste good and cost $26.00 a month. All my recent labs, including vitamins levels were wonderful.