Get A Clue....
Platau... see, I can't even spell it, but we all have been there!
Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a system, keeping notes, and jotting down thoughts as I 'teeter-tooter' on my bathroom scale. I know, so many say ' don't weight yourself everyday' but I try to do it every other day, if I can.
What I have noticed is that the less I eat, the less the scale moves. So I say to myself...'self, get a clue'.
What you put is, is what you get out. If you put food in, you get food out. If you pu****er in, you ge****er out. If you put nothing (as in junk) in, you get nothing (but junk) out.
I got the clue!
Now, I try to:
* put in more water.... clue (water out)
* put in more food...... clue (food out)
* put in more protein....clue (protein/energy out)
* put in more time.... clue (clearer mind/thoughts out)
* put in more exercise...clue (better body out)
Get the clue?
I hope so, and I know we are 4 months out, and this may seem primitive, but believe me, sometimes we have to go back to 'basics' in order to progress. Without a foundation to stand on, how will/can we stand?
Talk to me! You got any clues to share? Please do so....
Vera, Crew Encourager (still)

You are so right, what we put into it is exactly what we get out of it. I've decided that I for myself will not accept anything but success, "Failure is not an option" for me anymore. So I will do everything I can to make it, and that means making sure I exercise everyday,take my vitamins and get my protein in as well as my water each day. We all need to remember that we are doing this for ourselves and we deserve it, we all do.
Love you,
-70 lbs
You are very wise. I definatly (sp?) needed a clue or two. Someone on the main board told me that if we keep our carbs under 30gms that our bodies will stay in ketosis? I don't know but I've been doing that and it seemed to help. I gained 2 pounds last week but lost 5 after following the advise of no more than 30 gms of carbs..... So there's a clue for all of us to maybe try . And I totally agree about the water, we just have to remember that every time we go pee we are flushing out the fa****er in , fat out!!!!!!!
Thanks again for the clues!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Vera, I missed seeing you on the board. I am 4 months out also, but I don't worry about plateauing. Since I don't own a scale (my choice) I only weigh in when I go to my surgeon's office which is every other month, so I am surprised by my weight loss. But I can tell I am losing because as of today, I am no longer in plus size clothing. I started out in a tight 22 or comfortable 24 and I am wearing misses size Large tops and size 14 or 16 skirts/pants. This wls is the bomb. I really wish I had done this years ago. I have a lot more energy to keep up with my 6 year old son.
;clap: I want to say congratulations to everyone on this December board, we are doing it. Keep up the good work everyone.

I found that a big clue for me was keeping with my routine. It may mean that your family thinks you are being selfish when you have to go to the gym instead of doing other stuff (like my hubby did). I helped him paint instead of walking my 10K this weekend. That lead to no exercise, eating badly because he had accepted a dinner invite where I felt funny about taking my own food, and over eating while there. I felt so out of control by the time Monday rolled around that I had some really bad stuff (tater tots, cheese sticks, and a chocolate shake...oh Lordy!!!!). Yes, the psycho part of my eating came back to bite me in the keester!
So, be "selfish" and stick to your routine. Stayin' on the wagon is a lot easier than falling off and crawling back on.