I'm going back to work, again
Well, as some of you know, I had my first RNY 12/21/04 then developed a stricture and my doctor perforated my bowel trying to repair it 2/17/05.
I had to have an RNY redo as well as bowel repair, stayed in ICU a while, then developed a couple of wound infections that were difficult to treat.
I saw my endocrinologist and my bariatric surgeon and am released to return to work on Monday. I'm feeling good. Still weak and not eating properly. Having massive hair loss, am anemic, my thyroid medications need readjusting, but feel better and stronger each day.
I'm an RN in the surgery suite. I work recovery room. I push patients in beds or on stretchers up to their rooms or in ICU after I recover them. They are HEAVY. My legs feel strong, I'm doing alot of walking. This week, I've been mowing my grass daily trying to strengthen my upper body.
My co-workers have been so loving and kind and supportive, I want to repay them and pull my share of the work again. So, here goes. Monday is the day. I'm scared to death. I sure hope I can return to my job and do it as well as I did in the past. Wish me luck. But, mainly? Please say a short prayer for me and for my patients. I need God's presence and assistance more than ever.
Thanks for the support and encouragement.
- 74 lbs
I send prayers your way and through Christ we can do all things. You are going to do a fantastic job, and I'm sure that your co- workers will be so excited to see you back.
Have a great weekend and rest Sunday so you'll be well rested for Monday morning.
Let us know MOnday night how it went!
Thank you all so much. You're all so wise and comforting. I know my attitude is everything, but, boy does it do tricks on me, sometimes. I've cleaned my house, mowed my grass, stocked my pantry and fridge, washed and waxed my car.... guess I'm ready.
I'll let everyone know how it goes.
Thanks you so much!
-76 lbs