Shed A Tear....
Yes, even I, Vera Davis, is overwhelmed with emotions... crying and all that silly stuff. I have so much to be grateful for... all of your love and friendship. I returned late last night from a long plane ride, and began to feel a bit emotional, as I read all the wonderful e-mails and well wishes. Thank you all so very much.
Well, I have gone through so much, with surgery, recovery, being off work 3 months, away from work, spending time with family and friends... and traveling to London and Paris. I had a wonderful time, and being able to fit in the chair on the airplane, comfortably, made all the difference in the world. I knew then I was 'free', and I spent my 40th B-day in Paris. I did eat quite a bit, but managed to keep the weight off! I forsaked my protein, and have to catch up on water, too! (Don't fuss)! My 3 month checkup is tomorrow, so I'll have to see how my stats, labs and weight goes, and I promise to keep everyone Posted.
All of this (as each of you know), can become a bit much, especially when you begin to enjoy yourself. Well, now the party is over,
if I can call it that, and I must return to the cruel world of work, public and stress. How will I deal with it? I am looking to each of you to tell me how you 'fell back into the fold' of life. I have sheltered myself, pretty much, spending time home, online and only going out to church and shopping. I didn't tell many, but I assume they will figure it out, and regardless of how I feel about HOW THEY WILL VIEW ME, they will have their opinions.
I know I look wonderful, and loosing 51# in 3 months is not an easy thing to do, even with WLS!
I ask that each of you pray for my return to work on Wednesday, 3/16/05, as I work for Local Government, as a Senior Research Analyst. Although I make good money, the stress involved with politics and people, may be a bit much for me in the beginning, but I know you are thinking...'Vera, what are you worried about'. I guess I am not really, but sometimes, we all need a 'boost' of confidence from those we hold dear... and I HOLD EACH OF YOU DEAR BECAUSE WE HAVE ALL GONE TRAVELED THE SAME JOURNEY FROM DECEMBER, UNTIL NOW.
Let me stop crying, because I am not saying goodby, but I know that my time here will become limited, and I AM ASKING THAT EACH OF US VOW RIGHT NOW AND PROMISE TO KEEP POSTING, AND KEEP IN TOUCH... BECAUSE WE STILL HAVE SO MUCH ROAD TO COVER... TOGETHER.
So, as I sit here, crying... I want each of my fellow December Crew to know, I LOVE YOU. I am so emotional right now because I feel like a bird leaving the nest... somehow. I will continue to be here as much as I can, and when I can't, PLEASE E-MAIL ME and make sure I am ok. I will do the same for those who continue to be a special part of my life...
Darlings, thanks for all the love you give here on this December 2004 Board, because for me... it has helped me through the good and the bad of WLS.
I love you all! Now, does anyone have a tissue?
Vera, Team Encourager!
RNY Proximal LAP
12 weeks out

girl, you getting me sad....quit acting like you going somewhere.
I start working on 3/28 i have been out of work for 13 mos bc of nursing school. so i am going back to work as a nurse and not as support staff. I will not be able to live on the message board either. but i'm here and so are you.
Keep your head up. I almost got emotional when the scale moved down a pound for the first time in three weeks. than god, i was about to lose it.
love ya
You will be fine at work. It does take a week or two to get back in the swing of things, routine wise, but after that it's smooth sailing. Don't worry about what your co-workers will think or say. I was worried and all I have received is positive feedback. Most are just curious about what I had done and my success rate. Now there are people at work wanting to do it because of the risk I took.
Keep us posted. I know you will do great.
Let me hand you a tissue. You are such an awesome woman and friend. I really enjoy reading your posts and emails also. I pray that everything will go well for you when you go back to work. Try not to get to stressed with everything there and remember to take care of yourself, your worth it.
We are all here for each other and I'm sure will continue to be. I will be sure to check up on you to see how you are doing and to let you know that you are missed when you are not around.
I'm so glad that you had such a wonderful time on your trip. What an awesome way to spend your 40th birthday, I'm sure that it is a trip you'll never forget.
Always know how much we love you,
RNY 12/16/04
Oh Vera!
We will most your freq posts and wonderful wisdom and tender words of encouragement.... but, your time has come. Your co-workers need you back. Your customers need you back. YOU need back in the real world where you can make a difference in others lives and worlds. Just, you'll be doing it thinner now.
Although I seldom post, I read everything you post. I can't wait for the lift you give to all of us. But we're all going forward with our new lives. Ready or not, here we go!
Vera, Vera, Vera,, Girl you sound like you are leaving or something. You can't go anywhere, because you and I made a deal that when I get to my goal weight we are going to New York to people watch and sight see, remember? My dad is also going to pay for a trip to hawaii for myself and three of my friends when I get to goal. soo as you can see you and your boyfriend might be going to new york and hawaii this year! Vera, seriously, You have touched my life in so many ways. your kind words lift my spirits at the right time, and your love of people and god is gleaming from your every word. You will still be here , I know this for sure. Even if its not as often, its ok. I think you and I are going to stay friends forever now, I just feel that inside of me. Thank you for just being you.I love you my friend. Your buddy..Ron in Arizona.......P.S. did you get me a souvenier from london? if you did you can send it to me if you want to I will give you my address ok?..bye for now...
I am glad you made it home OK. I am also very glad that you have had such a wonderful time these past months after surgery. You have such an interesting life women. I only had 4 weeks off. My surgeon said that is all I would need and he was right. I enjoy work very very much. My wonderful DH retired at age 47. He stays home and takes care of our home and the kids (now age 21 & 25, got to get them out of the house Vera!). I love working. Plus the money is very nice indeed. I work for the VA and really enjoy my job and the work I do. My first week back was rough, I had muscle aches due to sitting up all day, I missed my recliner and my mid morning and afternoon naps. However I thrived and recovered better coming in to work, doing my job, and being with people.
You must learn to be very good to you, somehow push the Bureaucracy and the Political crap out and only let in the unstressful components of your job. I am sure you were missed and I can only hope that you can come back to your office without tons of stuff to do. I was very fortunate, my immediate supervisor, an awesome women, kept up with my stuff so I could come back to a clean desk.
So jump in there tomorrow. Be ready for lots of ooohs and ahhhs as people see less of you and comment on your achievements and success.
HI Vera,
Well, don't you dare talk like you won't be able to get on this site ever again because if would break my heart. We have been through so much together! Me, you, Ron, Monica, Brooke, Loni, Jen, Donna, Rebecca, Dee and Lyndsay and the rest of the December gang need eachother to get through this journey! I know that you will make the time at least once or twice a week so that you will not lose touch! Let me know what day/time is the best for you to check in and I will make sure to go on then. You know that I would miss you most of all scarecrow! Ha ha (I know you know what that means now!)
Anyway, take a deep breath, jump back into life and next week you will be back here telling me how you are so glad to be so busy and that everyone is telling you how wonderful you look and that you are ready to plan our cruise or trip or whatever to celebrate next year!!!! I am praying for you--good luck my friend!