Finally a common place to talk.
I am so glad that there is finally a site for those of us that had surgery in December 2004. I am so tired of going to the main message board where there are a few folks on there that think they own that site as they have been there so long and those of us who are relatively new wanting answers are treated as though we should read only what they have to say and not ask any questions of the elite that are 1, 2 or 3 years out of surgery I thought that we were all in this together and the reason for the site was to help one another
I have gotten to where every time I put a post on the main site one of the royal divas are very quick to inform you that you are an idiot or this is the wrong time of day for that or get real nasty:argue and tell you to buzz off your questions or comments are very annoying and you don't have a right to be here
Well thanks for letting me vent. It is time to go to but I am looking foward to talking and sharing with people who had surgery about the same time as me and hopefully we will never get to the point we do not have time for others as they start their journey.
Good nite, James
Hey James... you are truly in the RIGHT place... because the DECEMBER CREW, sticks together, shares, encourages, inspires and most of all, LOOSES together!
We are in this for the L O N G haul, and to have each of us discover this place, was important.
So, although we don't have many guys, the guys we have, are faithful, like 'old husbands'... so no cheatin'!
We welcome you with open arms, and feel free to POST OFTEN, as anything you shae will definitely help the next person!
Remain Blessed!
Vera, Team Encourager!