My surgeon told me that liquids do not stretch your pouch. I also saw a post on the main board a while back ago that said to think of your pouch as a funnel. Liquids go through fairly quickly, full liquids go through slower, and solids take even longer. At four weeks out, I was told I could drink about 5 oz at a time, that most of it goes right through to the intestines, hence another reason not to drink while you eat.
Hope this helps!
I was told to think of your pouch like a sink. The drain can only drain liquids out so fast. So if you drink faster than it will drain, you might overfill your pouch and feel it backing up into your chest. I've had this feeling before when I was really thirsty and I drank too much too fast. It didn't make me throw up but I had to lay down for a few minutes until I felt better. From what I've heard, liquids can't stretch your pouch.