5 days postop and surviving
LIquids are boring and i find myself worring i'm not getting enough calories who ever though. I am have bouts of gas that make me feel like i am gonna blow, but the last two days have been better. I walked two miles with my husband today, maybe all the exersise i did before hand might pay off. my energy is low though i can only do liquids for 3 weeks and it has made me nuts at moments, but i meditate and remind my self why i am going through this and look into my sons big blue eyes and smile. My adbice at this time is to be patient we will get through this together
i also had my surgery on the 14th i am a home maker so i'm thankful i don't have to worry about going to work although i would be happy if bending over still didn't hurt i need to laundry and for some reason my teenage girls are worthless ( who would have thought haha). I feel real drained to. did they put your port in on the right side? my left side is what is bothering me and dr says it's where my port is takes the longes for pain to subbside. hang in there i use the heating pad on the pain spot and it does help me maybe it will work for you too. Good luck and best wishes.
Hi Suzanne,
I, too, had my surgery on the 14th and came home on the 19th. I am doing well, I guess, except for the weakness..just total lack of strength, but I know that will get better with time. This is the eighth surgery I have had in my lifetime, plus four childbirths and I remember how each time it took a little while to regain the normal strength. However, I was younger then, too.
I am also on clear liquids for the first three weeks (two weeks longer as of today), then on to thicker liquids for another three weeks, before moving on to soft, pureed foods. I can hardly WAIT for the cream soups!! What hurts the most, I think, is just SEEING all the food in the cabinets that I bought while shopping for the family while pre-op, and knowing I cannot eat it like before. I am not really 'hungry' just really miss the love affair I had with food!
And, you are SO RIGHT...the key word is PATIENCE, and to keep reminding oneself about the good things to come from all of this!
I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a most prosperous New Year!
God bless you!