Boy once you get your sur...
Boy once you get your surgery date from Nichole from Dr. Zahn's office things really move. Testing, teaching etc. I'm so excited my good friend who I met on line from researching WLS is haveing her surgery tomorrow also with Dr. Zahn. We have become soul mates, we are both traveling this new road, and hand in hand we will start out new lives. She is having surgery tomorrow at 7:30 so please everone say a prayer for her.
I just love Dr. Zahn, he is so funny and answers any questions that you have or concerns that you may have. I am so ready for this surgery, I have had problems with my knees for over a year and look forward to being able to move without pain soon. I always took for granted walking, and now that I have not been able to without pain I really regret not doing more of it when I could.
Well look forward to meeting some more friends at support groups. And may god bless everyone who will be having surgery.