New to Join - Just got my date!
It ha**** me. I have been scheduled about 3 years ago and did not go through with the surgery. I feel now I am ready. I will start my pre-op in November also. I also feel sometimes it won't happen but I know it will. I am ready. I go through a wide range of feelings but that is normal. Just trust in your decision!

Hi Jacque,
Welcome. You will love this website. I just joined a few months ago and found it to be very informative. My date is scheduled for December 9th. I just finished all of my preop appointments sleep apnea, psyc eval, ultra sound, EKG and Nutritionist. Now the waiting really begins. I have no appointments in October. And have a weight check with the Doc on Noveber 15th, so I am trying to stay on my best behavior!. The my last appointment is the preop meeing with surgeon and anastesiologist (sp) on November 30th. to me this is the second hardest part so far. The first was waiting for a date. Best of luck to you!
I schedule my first "pre-op appointments for next Monday. Nothing too surgery related, but needed. Ultrasound of the gallbladder and a yearly exam. Totally not looking forward to the yearly, but at least it will seem like I'm doing something to get ready for the surgery! Also, I ordered a bunch of books to calm my nerves. I devoured one book in one day! I am so thirsty for knowledge!!! I have three more coming so hopefully it will keep me excited. I am tired of hearing the horror stories from friends though. What a downer!!!