liquid protein
Does anybody know of a liquid protein drink. I was first introduced to "resource" and it was great. It was high protein and came pre-mixed, like a juice box and best of all it was only about 3 or 4 oz. Now I can only find powders you have to mix yourself. Call me lazy but I just want to grab it and GO!
Hi Pamela,
I've seen one advertised on OH. Click on the link below.
I've heard they are not bad on the Texas board.
Good luck,

Isopure comes in liquid form, like a soda pop kind of thing, in many different flavors. I tried a couple of the flavors but did not care for them, but others loved them. You can get that at GNC.
I used to take Prostat, which was a thick cherry liquid, tasted like a strong cough syrup. Kind of gross, but two tablespoons contained 15 grams of protein, so I would take 4 of these protein "shots" per day and got it down that way. This prostat, I bought at the hospital pharmacy.