The Saga Continues... Moving to Jacksonville, FL
Well, it looks as though I will be moving back to my moms in Jacksonville FL in the next few weeks...
Last Monday I stopped by my job to do my weekly check in, and I was informed that I could no longer take my child to work and let him pick up the Special Ed bus from there anymore. It's inappropriate, and will no longer be permitted. I guess since I have used up my 12 weeks of FMLA for the year already in the last 5 months with having had 5 surgeries in that time, they have decided to get rid of me. My issues with my child are the one thing I don't have any control of anymore. Most of you know what those issues are.... Anyway, tomorrow I will be going in to my job and let them know that when school starts back in a few more weeks that I will have to change my work hours from 7-330, to 830-130, so that I can care for my child. I'm almost positive that that won't be an acceptable solution for them, so I am gonna tell them they need to go ahead and terminate me right then.
Once this happens, I will not be able to afford to stay in GA anymore. While I do get a hefty child support check twice a month, it isn't enough to survive on, yet too much to get any welfare help other than Medicaid. So I will be moving back to Jax, FL to live with my mom. At that point, I can go ahead and get Medicaid for the family, get my little one into Long Term Residential Care, and maybe even get SSI/Disability for him. He needs a minimum of 18 to 24 months in long term care, and I have worked, unsuccessfully for 2 years to get help, and haven't been able to. Been denied for every available program, and my insurance would only pay for 80 days per year. So while I hate to be a welfare mom, if it can get my child the help he needs, it will be worth it for a few years.
My 15 yr old son has been living with my mom for the last 3 years, and my mom at 75 is getting a bit old to try to keep up with him and his smart mouth, and this will also put us back together. I miss him dearly, and summer and holidays are awfully short.
Just wanted to let everyone know that even though I will be moving to FL, I still consider all of my GA board, and Decemeber board folks my very dear friends. I would love to still make some of the monthly GA board get togethers on occasion. It's hard to leave some of the best friends ever that I have made thru this journey.
I hope everyone will keep me in their thoughts and prayers. This is gonna be a very quick move, and one that I hate to do, as Macon, GA has become my home over the past 14 years.
Sorry this was ANOTHER long post from me... they just keep seeming to get longer...
Hugs to you all!!!
Lap RNY 12-1-04
295/163/155 (-132)
Before you give up your current position, take the time to do some job searching on Jacksonville opportunities. Perhaps there is something spectacular just waiting for you. I firmly believe that things happen for a reason. Perhaps a new environment, new care options and new job opportunities will make this all worth the effort.
Don't wait til you leave. Start planning your future now. Research long term care facilities and look for a suitable promotion for yourself.
Best wishes,
Karen G

Thanks Karen...
Back before the summer began, I had investigated some job opportunities in Jacksonville. And I could have a full time job waiting on me when I get there. However, in attempting to get medicaid for the family, I won't be allowed to make much money and keep the medicaid. The medicaid will also allow me to get my son into long term care. I have done alot of research, and soul searching... especially over the last few weeks. I'm hoping the reason all this has happened is that there is something better waiting for us in the very near future.
Thanks again,
Well, it certainly sounds like the right move. Jacksonville is beautiful. Whenever I am in Florida, I love to drive the A1A highway along the coast. I usually travel from Jacksonville down to Daytona, then head west to St. Petersburg. It's a longer trip, but the scenery is amazing. Such a beautiful area. My father lived in St. Pete's beach for 18 years, so I have travelled down there many times. I envy your opportunity. Make the most of your time and really enjoy your family. Kids grow up so fast. I know, mine is now 24, with 3 kids of his own.
I'm green with envy. LOL. I can't wait to see you post from Jacksonville. Be sure to share your new adventures with the group.
Karen G

Having been born and raised in Jax, I'm not really looking forward to going back. It's hustle and bustle is more than I am wanting to endure. Where I live in Macon is a much slower pace, and we actually have seasons. I've been in Macon, GA for 14 years now and consider it my home, and the idea of leaving it is killing my soul. I hate the idea of leaving all my friends here, but luckily will be able to see most of them during the hockey season as Jax has a team in the league that Macon was in.
If you ever make the trip to FL and you are in Jax, you'll have to let me know and maybe we can do lunch or something if you have the time. I would love to meet you sometime.
I don't get down there much anymore, as my Dad had a heart attack and triple by-pass, so he sold his place in St. Pete's and moved back to Canada. Maybe in a couple of years I will make the trip with the grandkids.
I love NFL football and Jacksonville has a team in that league. Perhaps you can become a "Jaguars Fan". LOL That would be so cool. Being an NFL fan in Toronto is difficult, as Canada has a separate football league and they are no where near as good as the NFL. My boyfriend travels to Buffalo for the games. It's alot of fun. If you ever get to a game, post, so I can live vicariously through your excitement. LOL
Karen G

Karen, I'm very sorry to have to say this, but you'll have to get your Jaguars football fix elsewhere. Football is just not my cup of tea. And I make a habit of staying as far away from the Sports Complexes in Jax whenever the Jags are playing.... unless there is a hockey game of course.... The Alltel Stadium, Baseball Stadium and Hockey Arena are all within a short walking distance of each other... all brand spanking new (compared to what Jax used to have anyway). I'm also a baseball fan, but have never been to either the Alltel Stadium, or the new Baseball Stadium either. But I will surely think about you when they are playing.
I gotta say though... you living in Canada and not a hockey fan????? LOL... j/k
LOL.... being from Toronto and working for the City of Toronto, I am only allowed to be a Toronto Maple Leafs fan. Since the Leafs haven't won a cup in almost 40 years, its depressing telling anyone that you are a Leaf fan. I watch the games and sometimes even go to the games, but I don't wear my hopes on my sleeve. Perhaps, one day, they will prove me different.
I do support our local girls team (Canadettes) and our local OHL Team (Brampton Battilion).... I just fret over the performance of our NHL boys.

Hi Susan
Excuse my language but life sure sucks sometimes!! It also can throw us hard balls but what I'm finding out is that those hard balls make us even stronger people in life. I know you'll get your life back together and probably be much happier being close to your mom and your oldest son. I hope you get the help for your little one while living down there also. Your one tough cookie, that's for sure
Family always comes first
Please keep us posted on how your doing as we will all worry about you.
I'm doing better myself on the eating issue. I have not purged since the 23 of July, HURRAY 

I'm still having some issues with shaking and my blood pressure going up and down but hopefully that will work it's self out.

Thanks Donna....
And don't worry about your language... it would take a heck of alot stronger language to offend me. And life does suck sometimes... Sucks BAD!!!!!
Family does always come first... and I intend on making the most of my situation. I will still be a part of this board, so I will keep you all informed if that what y'all really want.
Glad your doing better on the eating issues. I have had the thought run through my head on occasion that since WLS that I would probably be the perfect candidate to become bulemic.... sometimes when I have that extra bite or two just to clean my plate and not be wasteful, I wish I could just go throw up.... unfortunately for me, no matter how hard I try, I can't toss my cookies per say.... nothing ever comes out. Just remember... protien first, and get in all your fluids... I wouldn't be suprised if the shaking and BP issues may both be caused from dehydration. Please take care of yourself!!!