Jamie's post and depression and fish oil

on 6/5/06 6:35 pm - Somewhere in time, SC
Jamie--- I feel ya. I feel like a failure many days. I even gained 5 lbs. They built a Toll HOuse cookie store up the street and I was feeling lonely, so I turned to food. I was thinking about depression that most WLS patients get sooner or later. The depression might caused by the fact that we are missing important nutrients due to the surgery. Alot of us do not taking omega-3 supplements (fish oil or flax seed). Anyway, here's the article. Cheri ********************************** Fish oil a balm for depression: studies Last Updated Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:11:12 EDT CBC News BOSTON - Fish oil may contain ingredients to help treat depression, according to new research. Scientists in the U.S. say omega-3 fatty acids, present in fish oil, seem to act as an anti-depressant. "We've been very impressed by the response rates we've observed," said Dr. David Mischoulon of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Mischoulon oversaw clinical trials using omega-3. One study found mothers in England who ate very little fish during pregnancy doubled their risk of developing postpartum depression. Jim LaBonte took part in the Massachusetts study. LaBonte was diagnosed with depression four years ago. He complained Prozac left him with no emotions and stopped taking it. LaBonte took the omega-3 fatty acid DHA every day. Within three weeks, he says he noticed a difference. He's now been on it for eight months. Post a reply View Lady Amaretto's profile View Lady Amaretto's web site Send email to Lady Amaretto Find other messages posted by Lady Amaretto
on 6/6/06 12:15 am - Spring Hill, KS
Wow Cheri that is interesting! I don't take omega-3 but I feel fortunate that I have yet to have any depression. I do have somewhat bad "pms" a week or 2 before my period where I feel my hormones are a bit out of control but it only last 3-4 days then I'm fine. Kelly
on 6/6/06 6:10 am - Somewhere in time, SC
I have had spots of depression all my life and its worse when I have PMs. I am thinking about taking omega 3. You are lookin great Kelly. Cheri
on 6/8/06 10:49 pm - Effort, PA
I was getting a little depressed when I was having so much throwing up and the pains I was having but Prilosec cleared the pain up. I gained about 5 or 6lbs but as long as I remain around 160lbs I don't give a HOOT as I feel comfortable where I'm at right now. Maybe I need to start taking fish oil as my husband takes it everday. Donna
on 6/11/06 11:13 pm - Rio Grande, NJ
I was seriously considering taking fish oil since I do not eat any seafood. Only problem is- I hate seafood. The thought of taking fish oil and tasting it just turns my stomach. You know how garlic pills come back. I don't think I could keep anything down if the fish oil did the same thing. your sister in WLS Chandi 305/194/?
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