Newest update on me, and my tummy troubles...

Susan Bertrand
on 5/21/06 5:11 am - Jacksonville, FL
Hi Everybody I am finally feeling like being back up at the computer long enough to update you all on my tummy troubles. I ended up having to have surgery again this past Thursday morning. I got back with my Gastric Bypass Surgeon since I have been having so many unresolved issues with my tummy. He ordered another CT Scan of my belly on Tuesday, and after seeig the results on Wednesday he decided he needed to go in and find what was causing my partial small bowel obstruction. I had my laprascopic surgery done on thursday morning, and it turns out that I had a kink in my small bowel that was causing all the trouble. He ended up having to do a little bit of a revision on me. He said that during the healing process that because of gravity, that my bowel twisted a little and it healed that way. What he ended up doing was detaching the small bowel from my pouch, and reattaching it back on straight. He didn't have to remove any more bowel than what was originally done with my surgery, which was a good thing. I'm not having any trouble at all whe eating now like I was before he fixed me. For the most part, I cannot even tell I have had any surgery. I have 4 small incisions, but they are absolutely painless. The only pain I have had is from the excess gas that they used to inflate my belly to see around. It keeps moving up into my left shoulder and hurts like the dickens. I think most of that is gone now too. I only notice it if I go more than 4-5 hours with no pain meds. I am really feeling good, and plan on going back to work tomorrow (Monday). I have gotten the ok from the surgeon, and he just told me to take it easy while I was there. I will still have to take my pain meds, but luckily for me, unless I take a double dose, it doesn't even make me drowsy. I think what I will do is take a 1/2 dose every 2 hours just to make sure that I don't have any break thru pain. It feels so good to know that my problem is fixed, and that I can go back to eating normally again. I didn't even have to go back on liquids for a few weeks, and progress back up. I do notice that I am getting full again on smaller amounts, which is a good thing. Hopefully now, I can get back on with my noral routine and my life. This is something that I haven't been able to do since the beginning of February, so I am ready. Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend. I am heading back to bed now for a rest before I have to get up and start on my laundry. I will be making my son haul it to the laundry room for me so I am not doing any heavy lifting. But it has to get done so I have clean uniforms to wear to work this week. Hugs, Susan
on 5/21/06 9:31 pm - Long Island, NY
Susan, I'm glad that your doctor discovered the source of your problem. It's wonderful to hear that you are having a good recovery. It will be nice for you to be feeling better as we head into the summer. Best of luck heading back to work today. Take care, Mary
Susan Bertrand
on 5/22/06 9:45 am - Jacksonville, FL
Thanks Mary, And you are so right... I am sooo looking forward to the summer and the pool in our community opening up this holiday weekend. I have got to get to working on my tan soon, as it is getting so hot now, that I can see my shorts and skorts in the very near future... but I got to get these saggy white thighs of mine tanned... It's funny, I used to say that my big ole fat body looked much better tanned than white.. but now it is the same saying but with the change of the saggy skin looks better tanned... Some things never change I guess. And worked turned out to be fairly easy for me. I was pretty tired after lunch, and I was ready for a quick nap, but instead I just went in to my ofice and stretched out in my chair for about 20 minutes, and then I was good to go for the rest of the afternoon. However, I can sure hear my bed calling my name now. I'm sure it will be an early night for me. Hugs, susan
on 5/21/06 10:22 pm - Effort, PA
I'm sorry you where going through this but also that your surgeon fixed the problem. Where in you pain all the time or cramping?? My husband told me to call my surgeon today and i said NO, I'm going to try Prilosec first and see if that will help me. Donna
Susan Bertrand
on 5/22/06 11:10 am - Jacksonville, FL
Thanks Donna, I'm glad the problem is fixed as well... I was not cramping or hurting ALL the time. However, everytime I ate or drank anything I would hurt all the way from the bottom of my ribs to the other side, and then down to my belly button. After about 2-3 hours the pain would go away, and then I would be o****il I tried to eat or drink again. Since this surgery, I am now back to eating and drinking fine with no problems. Glad the Prilosec is working for you. Keep taking it if it is working. If there is an ulcer, it will help to heal the ulcer. And also listen to your surgeons advice about the vomiting, and if the cramping starts back, call him back asap.... Hugs, Susan
on 5/22/06 10:27 pm - Effort, PA
Poor thing It stinks big time when your hurting in pain like you went through and even cramping all the time like I was dealing with. Must be acids building up I would tell Ron. My guts are killing me again, need to lay down and his remark was. AGAIN!! I think he was getting tired of it and believe me it's been wearing me down also but I'm happy that the Prilosec seems to be working. I made sure I got up and took that little pill at 5am this morning Only problem I'm having now is a LOT of grumbling going on in there and I can handle that. I'm also not hungry but it might just be system settling down due to all the vomiting and cramping it went through. Donna
Diana C
on 5/22/06 8:58 am - Pearland, TX
Hi Susan, Oh my goodness. You have had so many surgeries. I hope your feeling better. (((hugs))) Diana
Susan Bertrand
on 5/22/06 11:13 am - Jacksonville, FL
Thanks Diana, I know it seems like I have had alot going on here lately over the last fewmonths, but not knowing what was wrong was the hardest part. Now that we know, and got it fixed, I should be back to normal in no time. I really don't even feel like I have had any surgery at all. I am defiitely feeling better. Thanks again, Hugs, Susan
on 6/20/06 4:19 am - Farmersville, CA
I am so sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope that this surgery will work out for you... Brenda
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