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Topic: RE: A failure...
Cheryl, you still have the just need a second wind of motivation. I congratulate you on your 100+ weight loss. You have acknolwedged getting back into "old habits" as we all do from time to time but remember, you have the tools, you have the knowledge to keep in control of what you eat and drink. Recomit to healthy eating and regular exercise. I think you will be surprised at how soon you lose your desired 50 pounds more.

Topic: RE: A failure...
Cheryl, Hi there sweetie
I don't know how you can say you are a failure. You have lost over 100pds. I know it must be frustrating for you
I am at "GOAL" I have lost 115 pds. I have stopped. I started at 245 lbs and now I am weighing 130 pds. You did not mention the weight you started at. I think if you would start to drink some more water you will begin to lose. You say you are putting the wrong foods in your mouth. Our old habits are hard to break. I struggle everyday with the "Food Demons" I am sure each one of us struggle with this.
Get Back on Track and Keep up your great work.
You are not a failure in my book
((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) to you

Topic: A failure...
Well, I am on the list of failures, I guess. At least it feels like it. It is my own fault of course...I am the one putting the wrong food in my mouth. Back to all my old habits, other than the fact that it is impossible to eat nearly as much as I used to. Now, I am not a complete failure....I have lost over 100 lbs, but am disappointed that it has stopped there. I still would like to lose about 50 more pounds.
Any suggestions on how to get back on track?
Is there anyone out there going through the same things I am?
I would love to hear from you. Thanks!
Topic: RE: Can I ask a question?
Steve, Thanks for you kind words. I am glad I am a comfort to someone.
I just came off the beach with my saggy a__.
I guess this food addiction is life long.
Wonderful day to you also.....Lorraine
P.S. I will try not to worry.I have guys and gals like you around.

Topic: RE: Can I ask a question?
Hi Lorraine
I know what your talking about,sometimes it seems that I can eat way too much and other times I can't eat anything at all.I have lost 283 lbs since my surgery day and over 310 in all.I am not worried but when I feel i'm eating to much I step back and think about how far i've come and sometimes go for a walk or hit the golf ball around the yard for a while.Your wls didn't fail you Lorraine,you are always a comfort and you always have something nice to say to everyone and I don't want you to worry over nothing............Hope you have a wonderful day...............steve c
Topic: RE: Can I ask a question?
Hi Allison, boy, you sound so busy. I don't do half the things you do. My kids are all grown and gone and the grandkids live far away. I don't exercise as often as I'd like. I"m just so pooped at the end of a work day, and if I exercise at night, then I can't sleep or get leg cramps. So I try to make it up on the weekends. What kind of exercise do you do? I have a treadmill, a Gazelle, weights and a stationary bike.
I hate being able to eat sugar. It scares me so, but I still get into it. I am trying to drink more protein shakes hoping that'll ease the cravings. I take 5-HTP, which is helping some, and helps with sleep, but I still crave the bad stuff. I guess it's the old addiction.

Topic: RE: Can I ask a question?
I think we all get that fear. I sometimes am amazed on what I can eat but you do need to eat to burn calories. We still eat so much less than the avg person who has a regular size tummy. Ifs not failing if you are maintaining....keep up the good work and keep postive. It can be scary when we think we could gain it all back....we are here for you!
Luv, Karie
Topic: RE: Can I ask a question?
Wow Ruthanna, that really scares me. I try really hard to eat what is right, but I want sweets. The sugar-free pudding does help that alot. I haven't lost any weight since January, and I have 50 more that I should be losing. I do have tons more energy. I can RUN up the basement steps! I exercise 5 days a week now for an hour each time and I am much more active. I should be happy, but I really wanted to be normal...normal weight for my height, even if it was the high side of it. I really like everyone here on this board. What a group of nice people. It helps having 2 grandbabies to chase around and 2 teenagers still in the house.
I can eat a lot more and I can eat sugar. I wish I couldn't. I really do pray for the people here everyday, so please keep posting about things, cuz I don't forget you.
Topic: RE: My 18 month checkup
I have my 18 month checkup on June 23.
My 18 month update: Presurgery weight was 226, size 20/1x
Reached goal of 134# in six months. Lowest weight: 114# in December 2004. Current weight: 118-120, size 0/2's.
I feel the first two months were the hardest. It was a little scary to see the weight continue to drop, because 114 for my 5'5" frame made me look anorexic. The year and a half has gone by fast for me. I certainly have no regrets. I take no prescription medications any longer and physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.....all is well.
I'm always grateful to you guys for your support.
Topic: RE: Can't believe it's been 18 months already!
Congratulations Dixie.
I have no doubt you will make that goal. I will have my 1 1/2 year anniversary on June 15. I'm still below doc's goal but stabilized I hope at 118-120. I hope at sometime to have a LBL although I'm not to anxious to have surgery again.....I've even put off having the GB removed. Great going!