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Topic: RE: A failure...
Wow, that is a tough situation. I wouldnt stop eating will go into startvation mode. Maybe you are already there? There are ways to jump start metabolisms again, but they are extreme. Maybe that would help though. Don't give up!
Topic: RE: A failure...
The one meal at a time idea is a good one. Thanks for your support and I wish you lots of success as well!

Hi Lorraine
1.I feel the heat but it doesn't bother me like it once did,loosing 300 lbs can do that for a person.
2.I used them every summer,I can't sleep without it on in my bedroom...
Hope you have a great day Lorraine..............steve
I still use the AC and I hate being out in that 90 degree heat. I still have 50 extra pounds, so maybe that has a lot to do with it. I use the AC AND a fan when I exercise and I still sweat! It isn't as much suffering the heat as it was before though!
Topic: RE: Can I ask a question?
Sorry it took so long to answer. I still do the aerobic interval tape. It is one minute of weights, then one minute of aerobics. I used to do this exact tape when I was in my 20's. No one ever seems to believe it, but I have ALWAYS exercised, even at my heaviest. The tape was made by Sports Illustrated, it is the one with Cheryl Tieggs. I add extra leg and situps at the end.
The reason I love it so much more then other exercise is by changing every minute, it seems to go by so much more quickly then other exercises. It is not BORING. I hate boring. I never feel like exercising. I just do it, and with this tape, it always seems like I just started and it is over.
Also, the stretch at the end is wonderful. I started using 3lb weights and now use 10 (except for the shoulder ones, cuz I think women look horrible with big shoulders)
Topic: RE: A failure...
I do occasionally put the wrong food in my mouth, but the majority of the time I am very careful. I have another 50 pounds to lose also, and truthfully, sometimes I think to myself, should I try not eating at all? Just drink the protein shakes? I do feel like a failure. I don't know if the people who are now a normal weight can understand how it feels to still consider yourself fat, and since the months are going by without a single pound lost, my hope is dwindling with the time. I don't feel like I am off track... so I don't what to do either.
Hi there guys and gals!
I am hoping everyone is fine and enjoying life. As an obese person, I suffered the heat terribly. I was hot and sweating all the time.
I had to have the AC on all the time. I thought I would die. Here in NY it is in the 90s and the humidity is high. My problem and I would like your opinion . I feel the change in temperature but having the ceiling fan on, is enough for me
1) Do you guys feel this heat or is it just me?
2) Last year I put the ACs on and never turned them on? Did you guys use the AC last year?
I hope I am not the different one is this crowd. I had my 18 month bloodwork done and they are great. They even cut my Iron pill down to 4 times a week, instead of everyday.
Peace and Love to all.
Thanks for anyone who answers me. I hope I am not asking stupid stuff.

Topic: RE: A failure...
I'm in the same boat as way too much, 1500 calories a day and don't dump any more. I know if I drink more I wouldn't be as hungry. So I'm upping the protein shakes to three a day. But I drink a half a gallon of water/drinks a day and can't do any more without feeling sick from too much fluid. So I'm hoping the protein shakes will help curb the 'sweets' cravings. I, too, have only lost 100lbs and need to lose another 50. I wore a size 28-30 and now wear 14-16, depending on where I shop. Size 16 at Wal-Mart, size 14 at the 'Bug or other higher end stores. So I can't complain too much. I do need to exercise more, but just can't find the time. I am going to back to school for a bachelor's degree in Business Admistration and Accounting/Auditing in August, so there's even less time. But I know what you are going through. I choose to put the wrong foods in, and I MUST choose to put in the right ones. I will keep trying each and every day, and if I fail today, tomorrow is another day. Maybe we could try getting thorough a meal with eating right, then go from there? I don't know, but I know I have to do something.