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Topic: RE: No New Posts????
Hi there Sunny, I do read the posts and have answered most of them. I don't know where everyone is.
As for me I am out on Disability enjoying life, traveling with my boyfriend and just enjoying.My weight is up 10 pounds in 3 years and I am trying to take it off and have cleaned out the house of the bad foods that get me going. I will NOT buy any clothes. I have come too far to fall by the wayside. I am finally after 15 years off Blood Pressure meds and have been on Zoloft which has not only helped me with my depression but it has calmed me down enough to come off the B/P meds. I am leaving on the 23rd for California to the San Diego Zoo. It feels so good to fit comfortably in the plane seat
You are doing great and congrads to you on your daughters engagement.
I still have lots of limitations on food. I cannot drink soda, eat alot of meats buts its OK.
I am used to this lifestyle with these restrictions. THIN FEELS GREAT!
Take care and good look getting your BA.
to your sucess.

Topic: No New Posts????
Wow, where is everyone? How are you doing? We can't let our little Dec.03 group fall by the wayside.
As for me, I'm preparing for a wedding. Our youngest daughter is engaged, she graduates college in May and gets married in November.
I get my Bachelor's of Science in Nursing this!
I'm hoping to go on a medical mission trip this summer.
My Weight is being maintained (which also means my closet needs cleaning out...I've never been the same clothing size for this long in my life). I'm falling a little behind in my exercise and need to get "re motivated' from time to time. I still hate chicken, eggs and have not "rekindled" my desire for sweets. carbonated beverage and bread.....(it's simply amazing) after 4 yrs. 3 months.
So....let me hear what you'r up to....

Topic: RE: Checking in 4 yrs wow!
Congratulations Shannon on both your weight maintenance and your #2 pregnancy!

Topic: RE: Happy Holidays to all!
Hi Lorraine:
I'm just now reading your holiday post. I hope you had a good start to this new year.
My hubby and I were talking about my food relationship now....I told him that it's not that I don't want to eat....but even now four years out from surgery....I can't eat some foods or in normal amounts. Many people say I still eat "like a bird"....My weight is stable, though.....I'm doing a lot with work, school, housekeeping, yardwork, mother and grandmother duties......and having enough energy to keep up at nearly 58. No complaints!
Best Wishes....

Topic: Checking in 4 yrs wow!
time flies!!
Can't believe it!
I have a 19 month old and I am 28 weeks pregnant with #2.
I gained a ton of baby weight but got within 10 lbs of goal again and then sorta didn't really try because I knew I was going to start trying soon for #2. I hope to not gain quite as much as last time. SO I won't have as much to lose afterwards.
I have noticed tho that my body is shaped differently now so even getting down to my goal weight -I may not fit back into my skinny clothes. That is probably going to require a tummy tuck at this point. Not sure if/when that will ever happen because insurance isn't going to cover it and 2 kids take priority over mommy's vanity! I don't have any post op complications or skin issues so I will just have to deal with the "fat roll" as I lovingly refer to it.
I hope everyone is well. I am soo glad I had this surgery and recommend it to this day when I speak with people. I had a co-worker at my last job who also had the surgery maybe 2 yrs ago but she was no where near close to goal. Not sure exactly what happened but she ate less than I did. I did notice tho that she drinks REGULAR sugary sodas so that can't help and she really didn't have issues with dumping. I pretty much keep all my beverages SUGAR FREE unless I am indulging in an alcoholic beverage or the occasional watered down fruit juice.
I still eat with smaller utensils and use the bread plates. I try to portion out food instead of mindless eating but a lot of that is thrown out the window while preggers. Last time after having my son it was like everything went back to normal and my constant food cravings were gone. I think my raging hormones had everything out of whack and once that normalized so did my hunger (plus I sleep better when not pregnant and I finally have studies that back up sleep apnea and weight gain/carb craviings) I am a respiratory therapist so I am into that sort of thing!
Cheers and congrats on all of us making it 4 yrs post op!
Topic: RE: Hi everyone!
Hi ya' seems we all share a little bit of the "ups and downs" in our weight and our spirits....but Diane you are right.........I'll take these small issues over my max weight, too. Wishing you a fabulous New Year.......
(WLS 12/15/03)

Topic: RE: Hi everyone!
Hi all,
I'm still here too. I don't get on often because I can't sit for long periods because I get dizzy. My Fibromyalgia and ME/CFIDS has gotten really bad and I collapsed on October1. I haven't been able to work, or drive since. But my company's insurance denied my STD claim, so no income, and now I'm losing my health insurance. I'm going to try for medical assistance, and appeal the denial. I mean, I can sit or drive, so how can I get to work and sit at a computer for several hours every day? I have a new rheumatologist, she's suppose to be a good one, so maybe she'll help me get SSI/SSD. Who knows?
I struggle to keep my weight up to 130. I don't like it any lower. My size 4 pants get too baggy then. I'm on Lyrica, the new drug for FM, so maybe that will help me even more. Take care everyone. Don't know when I'll be in again.

Topic: RE: Hi everyone!
Alice, Hi there. I am sorry to hear about your pain and constipation.There is a great tea I have been drinking since I had my WLS. The name of it is "Smoothe Move Tea"
I drink it every night before I go to bed and it works. I let it seep about 15 minutes or more and add some Equal as a sweetner. It does not taste bad at all. This the only thing that works for me. Let me know how it worked Ok? I buy it at any Vitamin Shoppe or buy it in quanity online. Just look up the name of the tea. There are many sites. It even comes in Chocolate.
Good Luck

Topic: RE: Hi everyone!
I am alive too and my weight has been stable for a couple of years although I would like it lower. Haven't done that well this Christmas though. I am struggling with alot of abdominal pain and constipation. Anyone else. My poor surgeon has no idea how to permanently fix me!!
Topic: RE: Hi everyone!
Hi there Diane,
How are you? Long time no see. I am hoping you are OK. I am up like you up 10 pounds down 10 pounds. I read your profile and see you got you High School Diploma
to you. Please try to stop by and say HI!!!!!!!!!!!! Geeeeeeeeeeeeee where is everyone????
Happy Holidays to you.