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Topic: RE: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
Dear Nona,
Did you say before that they refused you once? I couldn't remember. That is wonderful, really wonderful. My tummy is so in my way. I have no rashes though. I don't think I would ever have the money for plastics, that is for sure, but I like thinking about it. It is amazing to me how it worked out to be so good for you, even as to it being a slow time at work. Thank you for sharing!
Topic: RE: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
Hi Jessi,
I called the surgeon's office and they're going to try to get me in by the end of the month. We are slow right now and will stay that way until the end of Sept, so it's perfect for me. Whooeee, talk about a ride?
PS. Mark MD: You be one hot potato.

Topic: RE: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
Good for you!!!!
I go for mine on Thursday and I am getting nervous
When are you thinking of scheduling yours? I was shocked that mine was approved also!!! Well congrats again
Take Care

Topic: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
I received a letter from my insurance company approving me for the tummy surgery. I near fell over with shock
But, I guess I'm on my way to looking normal. And Joe says that as soon as we pay off our last credit card, I can get my arms done. Wheee Haaa!
So many things have gone wrong in my life, but so many have gone right. This is the virtural icing on the cake.
Just wanted everyone to know.

Topic: RE: Ok MD time for a pic
And he's a hottie
He sent me the pic awhile back when we all were on this board more! Great supporter!!!

Topic: Inspiration and Angels
The day the child realizes that all adults are imperfect he becomes an adolescent; the day he forgives them, he becomes an adult; the day he forgives himself, he becomes wise.
-Aiden Nowlan
There lives an Angel so gentle and charming that all who meet her want to remain in her midst. The time comes, though, when each person has to go out into the world, and when that time comes the Angel gives to each whatever gift is asked of her.
- Suzanne Siegel Zenkel,
"Your Secret Angel"
Topic: Ok MD time for a pic
Jesi said she got one of you....I feel left out, e-mail me one too will ya? It is good to put a face to the posts.
I'm waiting

Topic: RE: Update/question
How excited I am for you. I wish you all the best my dear. I know you'll keep us updated and I can't wait to see the pics. Make sure you get good before shots.
Get better---I'll be praying for you
Topic: RE: Update/question
I'd love to get my arms done too Nona, but 7 grand is way outta my budget. I was quoted 23 grand for arms, tummy, and boobs. It'll all have to wait till' I'm rich though, haha.