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Topic: RE: Happy Thursday to all.
Hi Lorraine, Nona here,
Getting a bit nervous here. Sept 7th is coming fast. Training my replacement for the time I will be out.
Don't mind the heat at all. It's been dry, too dry. We need rain badly.
I start my classes on Monday. My first CLEP in next Thursday. Science, physics, biology and botony. Don't know why I need them for accounting, but I gotta take em

Topic: Happy Thursday to all.
Hi to all my friends here.
To all who just lurk,
or those who post. How is everyone doing? Are you withstanding this heat?
Is everyone feeling OK?
Please just a shout out to let me know you guys are still here. I know your lives are busy, but just say HI.
(((((((HUGS))))))))))) to all.

Topic: RE: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
That is so very sweet. Thank you. I still can't believe it is happening. First, school, then this. And everything is falling into place. A perfect balance. I put in Jehovah's hands, just like I did with the bypass, and it came to pass, and smooth as silk. Amazes me every time. Thanks again for your kind words.

Topic: RE: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
Nona, I don't believe I could be happier if it were me getting the approval .... if anyone deserves this, you do. Blessings!

Topic: RE: It's me again!
Hi there Tracy, How are you? I am happy to hear from you and know you are ok. Please keep in touch. You look marvelous.

Topic: RE: It's me again!
WOW GIRL!! You look amazing!! What does your DH think of his 'new' wife?

Topic: It's me again!
Hello all,
I posted a long one on MD's Roll Call. Glad to see so many of you still here! Tracy
Topic: RE: You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
Hi Allison,
Yes. It was because the dr sent the request to the local Blue Cross and not my provider in Missouri. Once they sent it there, I got approved right away. My company also pays short term disablity, so I even get paid while off work. I'm not sure if it'll be full pay or partial, but any will help.
I know there are others on this site that have had this done. Would you email me? I have tons of questions.
Allison, do you have health insurance? It may pay for it, even if you haven't any dermitis. It depends on how much skin, sometimes. I had a lot, maybe 5 or 6 lbs.