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Topic: RE: Happy Friday Everyone
I too drop every once in awhile....but as a former diabetic(gestational only with inuslin and almost type 2)....I kinda keep myself in check. But I would hate for it to be worse.....I am glad you are getting checked out! Hopefully the endo doc will be able to help ya! My friend Andrea from the Iowa boards who's surgery date is the exact same as mine.....also has major drops to the point of almost passing out.....she does it quite freuquently......but her PCP can't find anything wrong with her.....if you find something out, let me know.....and maybe it can help her too....Just so you know you are not alone in this. She still works out tho, kinda her saving grace (she has turned into a gym junkie
) but she makes sure she has a carb loaded snack before working pretzels and cheese......maybe you could try that???? Take Care

Topic: RE: Home from Plastics
Hi Karie
How I envy you.I can't wait until my ps is done.I am very happy for you and good luck with the pain meds.......steve
Topic: RE: Home from Plastics
Nona, Happy to reply to your questions. My surgery was done as outpatient and it took 1 1/2 hours long to complete. I was sent home with two drains on each side put it is not put into the incision site. It is put in below the insiciion in my upper thigh. I was told to take the pert (sp) every 4 hours as needed 1-2 pills. Well, I was taken 2 every four hours until today where I am taking only1 an trying to go without so much pain med. I did get very nausea with this pert on Thursday, Friday which i had taken in the past but b/c of my weight change I think it effected my body differently. I ws closed up with stitches put they are on the inside and should glue was used to my knowledge. I was told that one may be out of work for 2-3 weeks...the big NO NO is not to lift anything, I had the panni (TT) which means they tightene the stomach muscles. Doc says it looked like a teenagers belly.
Oh, here is a good laugh...the surgery center called the day after to see how I was feeling and I told her I was sick from the med. She asked are you eating and I said yes, crackers and applesauce. She told me no honey you got to eat a entire sandwich....obvious she did not realize that gastric people cant eat that much.
Well, anymore question give me a email I will be glad to share.
Oh, I am not sure how much skin was removed. I did not see the doctor and my husband did not ask...I see the doctor on Friday so I will see.
Hugs, Karie
Topic: RE: Home from Plastics
Forgot to mention: When I take Vicodin, which is a bit stronger than Perk, I take it with a full meal. Nothing less. But if I'm where I can't get to food, I drink a big bottle of water with it. At least 20 oz. And drink it fast, too.

Topic: RE: Home from Plastics
Karie, Welcome home and I hope you take good care of yourself. Take plenty of pain meds, and
I can't wait to see your pics. Let me know where you get those string panties so I can pick up a pair after my LBL.
I think after I have the surgery I would love to put those on.
(((((HUGS)))))))) to you....Lorraine

Topic: RE: Home from Plastics
Hi Karie,
How much skin did they remove pound wise? Do you know how many inches smaller you are? I go for mine in 9/7/5. It's insurance paid, so it'll just be removal of skin, nothing special. I go for my detail consult on the 30th. I am expecting to be out of work at least 3 weeks. Do you have a drain? Stiches or glue? Sorry to ask so many questions.

Topic: RE: Happy Friday Everyone
I have it a lot. It went down as low as 35 once. I keep cheese and crackers in my purse, car, office, for whenever I feel bad. The kind you buy in bulk. Drink your protein shakes just before and just after working out. Keeps the blood sugar levels up where they belong. Mine is usually between 70 and 80 most days, fasting. My BP is normal between 110/75. Hope that helps.

Topic: Home from Plastics
Had my panni (TT) on Thursday and I am home recovering. It really looks nice and tight and it even took out some of the wrinkles in the top part of my thighs.
I am still needing the 2 pain pills every 4 hours....the percot is making me nasuea to my stomach. It never did that before when I was heavier. I am very please with my results.
I will post some pictures after I get things together. I can't wait to buy a pair of string panties!!!
Topic: RE: Happy Friday Everyone
Hi there Diane,
As a former diabetic, and on insulin, I was I know all about the lows and highs of blood sugars.I think not working out for a while is a great
I still go to my endocrinologists even though my diabetic symptoms are gone. The shakes are the worse. I could easily and was used to the high blood sugars. After my WLS, and the clear liquid diet, and the lesser of foods I suffered with low blood sugar. The Dr played with my insulin until I was off of it.
My friends say I eat like a chipmunk now
because I am eating constantly small amounts. I am holding my weight between 130-135 lbs. I am 5ft6 and wearing a size 6. I feel wonderful. It has been very humid in NY and my knees are killing me.
Do keep up your
posts and great hearing from you girl.
Keep up the great weight loss. The whole secret will be the maintaining of it. I will try like heck to do that.

Topic: RE: Happy Friday Everyone
Occasionally, I get some shakes and it's usually when I need to eat something, of course. My blood work has always been good. BP today was 128/82 -- it has been as low as 115/70, which, I guess, is really good.
I saw someone else recently post a comment on the pancreatic problem with low blood sugar.
Hope you and your good doctor get things figured out.