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Topic: RE: Help!!! hanging skin issues
Raquel, I hope you are doing well and anticipating your walk to the Losing Side". I know working out is good for all of us, but in my opinion it depends on the amount of weight you will lose, your age and exercise after your WLS. I have a daughter who lost 120 pounds at age 24 and had lots of skin hanging much more than me at 51 when I did my surgery.
Enjoy your working out and at least you like that. I hate exercise so it takes alot for me to do any. Wait until after your sugery and your Dr. gives you the go ahead and "Good Luck to you" I am sure you will do well. I really don't care about my hanging skin, I feel great just being a normal size now. I have a boyfriend who loved me before my surgery and still loves me now. What more can you ask for?
See you on the "Losing Bench"

Topic: Help!!! hanging skin issues
Ok, new post topic.
Does everyone that has the extra hanging skin have plastic surgery?..Does working out for 2hrs 5days a week not help the extra skin shrink?..Im worried the most about the extra skin I have alreay. I've been working out now for 2months before surgery hoping it will give me a head start on the hanging skin. I worry that Im goin to have to have plastic surgery to have it takin off. Does this mean I have to work out longer?
Topic: RE: depressed
Hi there Sandi, I do post and always read other posts. These Mesage Boards are what keeps me going. I am fine during the day. I eat yogurt, fruit, and low calorie breads. I also eat plenty of salads. My problems are at night. I can't shut my mouth.
We are all human. I find keeping the scale in my room to weigh in and also a picture of me at "GOAL" keeps me motivated.
There are many things I can't eat. Ice Cream is one. Meat is another. I am very limiited so it's rough for me.
I am bike riding and walking now so I hope to get this last 10 pounds off.
Keep posting and lets all try to help each other. OK?

Topic: RE: depressed
Hi Lorraine. when I lost my weight I gained back 20 lbs from my lowest, but I figured if I maintained this I would be ok. this last week I gained a few, but its just the feeling of being out of control again, and also using food to entertain me. I need to get a grip. I put my exercise bike in the living room today, I figured that would give me motivation. The big thing is though I suddenly feel as if I dont know what I should be eating. what do you eat? I see your posts a lot. take care :-) sandi
Topic: RE: depressed
Hi there Sandy, I hope you are OK. First of all you did not mention if you have gained any weight. I know I have been disabled for over one year and have packed on some pounds, I am working so hard and got 10 more to take off. Don't be so hard on yourself. We are all human and its OK. I started bike riding and walking and maybe you can do something as far as exercise while you are home. I am sure you are depressed just being home, but do take one day at a time and remember you have accomplished alot by taking the step in doing WLS.
Keep us posted and hold your head up high OK?

Topic: depressed
hi everyone, well I have been a little too ****y. I thought I could eat whatever I wanted and my body would not let me eat too much, so I would not gain. but now I dont seem to ever be satisfied. I lost my job and I am at home and eating all day long, i feel so fat. i hate it. I had a tummy tuck and its always been so flat, now it feels pudgy again. what should i do? any suggestions for me? thanks for your feedback, I need it!:'(
Topic: RE: Hi to everyone!
I;m just checking in....quickly. Congratulations Lorraine on getting the exercise "going". Since I work 40 hrs a week, travel and still going to school full time, I rarely get in the exercise I would like to. However, this summer, that is going to change.
I finally went to my WLS surgeon for a checkup......2 yrs. late. However, things are good. I'm finally at goal weight but the funny thing.....I had to gain weight to get there! I should have my Bachelors in Nursing this August. I will be going on a medical mission trip to the mountains of Peru....our youngest daughter gets married in November....these are just a few things that hopefully will keep me active.
It's always great to hear from you. Hopefully, we can hear from some other folks as well.
Blessings friend, luvitsunnyv
Topic: Hi to everyone!
Hi to all my buddies. I know our time is precious and we are lets catch up.
First of all where is everyone?
I have been around. I am enjoying my retirement and soon will be gardening a bit. I found it hard through the winter, but now it's a bit different from last year. It was in November of 2006 I had the hammer toe surgery. It was the worse thing I ever did, but it's too late to complain. I suffer very badly from the effects the Diabetes had on me. I have no feelings in my feet from the Nueropathy.
Any good news from anyone?
My good news is that I have started walking again. I gained 12 pounds since my operation last year. Now I can wear my sneakers and walk. I always loved walking. I have lost 5 of those pounds and will get the rest off. I am still with my boyfriend and it will be 2 years in July that I live here. We have adjusted well to each other.
Please lets post just a few words to say
Take care and Peace to all

Topic: RE: No New Posts????
Yes, thank God you ARE alive Nona and you have such a beautiful smile. It would be hard for anyone to recognize all the trials you have been through regarding the insurance and your health. I am glad that things are better now.
I just had my (belated) checkup with the surgeon on Tuesday and over the last two years I have gained five pounds. I know it is because I am working all day, and going to school (on-line and classroom) nearly every night of the week. I'm off from work during the summer, though, so I hope I can lose that five pounds through walking and yard work.
Take is always good to see your posts! Blessings

Topic: RE: No New Posts????
Sorry I haven't written in so long, but I have been very ill. I barely could get out of bed since October of last year, let alone type, and it's only recently that I've been well enough to catch up. Between my ME/CFS and Peptic Ulcer Disease that nearly killed me, I have been through the mill. I went down to a size 2, and they were getting loose. I'm 5'4" and was so thin Joe said he could hang his hat on my hips. After a life flight to Danville Hospital and a weeks stay, they found the internal bleeding from the ulcer. It was caused by stress from my insurance company who felt that my condition didn't warrant Short Term Disability. So I was denied. I'm fighting it, they laid me off, knowing I couldn't draw unemployment compensation, and Joe only makes half what I did, so no insurance and COBRA costed a fortune. Well, we were approved for MA this month and I am applying for SSDI. So maybe that will help, if they approve me. I am also with a differ FM doctor and she is great. She got me off all the narcotics the other Dr had me on, put me on Lyrica, and two antidepressants, as well as a stimulant called Provigil. I'm doing a whole lot better, I'm up to a size 6/8 again, which is just right for my body, around 140lbs, but I won't ever be able to work again. Too much damage was done for too long between the stress my body went through and the stress the insurance company caused. But at least I'm alive, right?
So, that's what I've been up to. How about somebody else?