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lessame thanb4
on 6/19/06 10:10 am - MYTOWN, ID
on 6/19/06 10:10 am - MYTOWN, ID
Topic: RE: Summer Plans.....
Hello!! I agree we are slowing down at an alarming rate. Have a great time in TN. I went last summer as you may remember. I had waited to go my whole life and it was worth it. It was very quiet there and being removed from the hussle and bussle was different. I will be traveling to DC this weekend for work and should have a chance to sight see again.
To answer you other question I am holding at 215 and I guess that is ok. I have become an outsider/lawn boy again. I hate bermuda grass and ants. They are my nemisis. An to wrap up best of luck as you finish your degree. Hope to hear from more of you.......mark
Topic: Summer Plans.....
My goodness....where is everyone.
Our last post was June 7????
Where are you taking your vacation this summer?
We leave for Gatlinburg, TN on June 29...I can hardly wait.
I just want to relax by the mountain stream with a good book that is NOT about nursing.
I just registered for my final semester
I get most of August off, too so I'm trying to talk DH into a nice cruise from our Miami Port.
How the weight? Taking those vitamins? Keeping up your fluids? Doing your "movin'"?
It's easy to keep the pounds off push mowing my yard in this So. Florida heat and humidity. I think it's going to be a for us.

Topic: RE: How is everyone doing?
Sunny, Hi there!!!!
I just returned from Cape Coral. My boyfriend has property there and we looked at some gorgeous models. We hope to be there within the next year. I sure hope to be single by then.
We also went to Sanibel beach.
Take care

Topic: RE: How is everyone doing?
Hi Lorraine,
I'm sorry to hear that your ex is giving you some grief about the divorce. Hopefully the worse will be over....
I, too have lost 5# these last couple of weeks. I'm back down to 120 and really praying that I don't lose anymore. ( My lowest was 114 and at 5'5" I looked anorexic). I've been stable in my clothes which makes for a very "Full and overflowing" closet....some things still have the tags. I've not had this problem before.
Where are you vacationing in FL? My son and his family just returned from a week in Destin...They had a wonderful time. We leave on vacation June 30 and of course where do the people who live at the beach go? the mountains, of course. We're headed to Gatlinburg, TN thru the July holiday.
Keep checkin' in....I wonder where everyone else is???
lessame thanb4
on 6/8/06 5:48 am - MYTOWN, ID
on 6/8/06 5:48 am - MYTOWN, ID
Topic: RE: How is everyone doing?
I feel pretty good
I too can wear the same clothes. My problem is that I have vericose veins in my legs and I hate them. Of course I was not always so vain now I am just veins....other than that all is well. I hope things work out as you move down a new path. Steve YOU LOOK GREAT! I know you were going through a rough patch so I hope all of that is working it's self out...continued sucess to all...mark

Topic: RE: How is everyone doing?
Hi Lorraine
I am so happy that you and your beau will be moving in with each other soon.I'm sorry your divorce is not going smooth.130 lbs wow you have done so well and should be very proud of yourself,I know I am.You are such a nice person and you always have something nice or positive to say.I hope you have a great vacatio and a great summer luv steve
Topic: How is everyone doing?
Hi guys and gals.
How is everyone doing?
I am fine, getting ready for vacation. I am leaving Saturday for Florida with my
. July 15th is my big day. I will be moving in with him. We have been together now one year and a half.
How is everyone feeling?
I am feeling great. With the moving and packing, I guess I am not eating properly. I have lost about 9 pounds. I need not to lose anymore. I am 130 lbs and 5ft6 which is a bit too thin for a 54 year old spring chicken.
I am a bit nervous with this Divorce business. My husband is fighting me all the way. I can relate now to anyone going through this. I am taking Zoloft and it has made things alot easier.
Are you guys happy and getting ready for your summer sexy wardrobe?
I am stable and wearing all my clothes from last year. I am enjoying finally life and getting dressed in the morning. I don't have to squeeze in my clothes and be short of breath.
Take care all
Please post and lets all say

Topic: RE: Roll call
Hi Darrol,
I, too, am sorry to hear about the D*.....23 years is a long time. Sounds like you have a lot to keep you busy these days.
At, nearly 2 1/2 years post op, I'm maintaining a 5# variance, 120-125....still below the surgeon's 134 goal. I feel much better having had the gall bladder out last Feb. but I am still very limited to the amount of food I can eat. I still can't eat bread, still hate chicken, eggs and bacon....but I'm sure that helps with the weight control. Actually, my skin has tightened a little over the last 6 months. If anything, I could use a TT and neck lift.
I got my AA this month and look forward to getting my AS in December....sitting for the FL Nurse's Board in January '07 and being an RN soon after. I have a job waiting for me at one of the area's largest hospitals. Surgery, school, and a new career.....all this after 50. I know I would have not had the self-esteem to even think about this if I hadn't had the surgery and weight loss. What a miracle.
We need to do a roll call more's great to read about your progress. BLessings to all....
Topic: RE: Roll call
Hi Darrol, So sorry to hear of the divorce. That is so sad, especially after so many years together. Give yourself a big hug from me.
I am down about 120 lbs now. I'm doing much better. I'm on a Fenteol pain patch and it really helps with the FM. Provigil helps with the CFS and Topomax and Klonopin at night help with the RLS. So I am hoping to be able to get back to work with in the next month or so, as soon as my endurance builds up. I still tire easily and need to rest often, but I am improving so much from last month. I would like to lose a little more weight as it would be good for my joints, but my body just doesn't want to let go, and my health prevents exercise, other than PT and stretching. But I feel bette each day. I am looking forward to walking again. I know I can never jog or race walk, but just a nice steady even pace would be so lovely.
Topic: RE: Roll call
I am so sorry about the divorce.
I am healthy & happy, not at the weight I'd like to be but normal. My doctors tell me that the fat I have left is not unhealthy fat, just the fat that I share with my cave women ancestors. Let's just say that in a famine, I'll survive because of the fat on my thighs.
My, how the loss of weight can change our lives. In July, my job will be coming to an end. It's being outsourced. At 55 I have to find something new & because of my WLS I can finally do what I have wanted to do for 50 years. I'm returning to school to train to be a nurse. I never could have handled the physical work before. I am excited & scared all at the same time but I know it's what I was meant to do.
I had a TT about 15 months ago & the backside lifted last August. I love my TT. I like the results of the second surgery, just not as much. I have some permanent numbness in my right hip caused by liposuction, a fairly common complication. I don't like that but it doesn't affect function. My inner thighs are horrible but I doubt if I'll have anything done to them. Oh, & I had my gall bladder removed last December along with a much needed bladder repair. I am done with surgery!
Everyday I think God that I was able to have the surgery. I feel bad for the individuals who fight their insurance companies & still can't get it. I know that I probably would be in a wheel chair, or worse, if not by now, then in a few years. Instead I am returning to school!