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Topic: Still here...
Hi everyone, I am still alive, lol. I've been real busy, but have lot's of down time now and just updated my profile. I would love to hear from everyone.

Topic: RE: Hi Everybody!
I mis...
Hi Allison, How are you? I have been very busy also. I have moved out of my apartment and now am living with my
I sure hope it works out. It's unbelievable what I had after 30 years in one apartment. I have begun exercising on my bike again. I went for my 2 1/2 year checkup and have maintained my weight loss. I am weighing 135 lbs and feel great.
My daughter and I have not talked yet and I wonder when that will happen. I am waiting patiently and I know these are her issues. I have tried and now it's up to her. She says she needs time. I will respect that. I am glad your kids are doing so wwll. Honor Society
... How wonderful.
I have filed for divorce and that should be final soon. I can't wait to be single again.
Hi to all
Lets all check in and update

Topic: RE: Hi Everybody!
I mis...
Wow, you are really going thru a lot right now with the house and all. It has to be stressful.
Sounds like your girls are doing well, though. They're a blessing to you I'm sure.
I've sort of cut back on my exercise, too because of classes. I know I need to MAKE the time and get back into a routine instead of just jogging when the mood hits me just right.

Topic: Hi Everybody!
I mis...
Hi Everybody!
I miss you all. I have been so busy. Our city just voted to take our house by eminent domain for stores to be built by a private business to take our area. They had us declared blighted (which according to the lawyer can be done to almost anyone, you just have to have a home that is not up to code) 50 homes here are declared blighted because we have septic tanks. The lawyer said we can't fight, we are going to lose our house, but we can fight for the best price. I don't really know how they can set some price when you don't want to move. The guy who is doing the building offered us a low price, but he says it is higher then the city will give us, but he gave us 24 hours to sign and we would have to be out of our home by September 1st. That is with having NO idea where we would go. We have lived here for 29 years.
My twins are in Connecticut. My older sister has duck races every year at her house for charity. My girls each won first place... one for the duck decorating and one for winning the race. My sister took them to see Beauty and the Beast on Broadway. I am so envious! I have never been to New York.
Lizzie got voted President of Honor Society and of Students of Service and has so many meetings planned throughout the summer that she has been a wreck about being gone so long.
I hope everyone is doing well. I read everything ... sure has slowed down. BTW... my eating has been okay, but EXERCISE has been bad. I am slowly gaining. I think it is basically because I can't sleep anymore and I am so tired all day long I don't exercise. I need to make myself do it again even if I am exhausted.
God bless! I think of you all!
Topic: RE: Hello
Hi Everyone,
I am still out on medical. I have the FM and the CFS pretty well under control, I think, but now I have problems with my left shoulder that look like will require sugery. I have a lot of pain that the Fentenal and Vicodin just don't touch. Just take off the edge. But I'm hanging in there. My weight is steady at 181-183. I exercise under PT eyes every day for about 1-2 hours, with stretching and a bike and walking. It's very limited, but I can't increase weight, just time, or I could have a relapse.
Lorraine, it's so nice to hear you so happy. Sunny, keep it up, and enjoy your life. How is Desi and Diane doing and all the rest? Heard from Mark which was very nice. Darrol, you keep going and have a ball.
How is Stephen doing?
Topic: RE: Hello
I'm Going to school for my "second career" and it is keeping me ultra is good. Still maintaining a "below goal" weight, but I don't really know how since I have had to cut back some on my exercise. I did manage to play some tennis as well as do some hiking last week while on vacation in the mountains. It felt good. Hope all are doing well.

Topic: RE: Hello
Hi there Darrol, How are you? I have been moving and I am finally settled in with my sweetie in our new house together. As you can see I am back on my computer also. I am on vacation and have lots to unpack. I am glad its over so HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to all!!

Topic: Hello
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. We all have been busy it seems and this board has been real slow. So pop in from time to time and post a hello.
Take care and be good to yourselves.

Topic: RE: Summer Plans.....
I'm still here. I go to PT twice a week. I'm still not working. I'm having a lot of pain with my left shoulder. I guess I'm looking at a replacement. God, more surgery. I'm trying everything to avoid it. I need to get back to work. We're nearly broke. Money is very tight. We've cut just about everything except the 'net. Joe says he won't take that as I need it for so much. But just about everything else has been cut. We don't go anywhere or do anything. Our treat is to scrape enough cash together for Joe to get a small soft ice cream after grocery shopping on Saturday and I take one lick. Not much fun, but until I can get back to work, my medical bills are killing us. The co pay's per week alone are $125.00. Plus meds. If we had no insurance, they'd be 2 grand. So I would be in bed doing nothing but crying in pain because we'd never afford it.
My weight is down and holding at around 183-5. Size 14. I'm seeing a therapist and a psychologist for depression. Surprise? Stress can do that with this stinking disease. But Joe and I have each other. Thank Jehovah for that.
Topic: RE: Summer Plans.....
Well we have already went on one vacation.. WE try to do two each summer one with the kids and one alone. Gotta work at that We took the kids to Disney World in February. And then to Panama City Beach Florida in May. We are going back to PCB end of this month with some friends.. I was hoping to be at my goal weight before we went again.. But I'm not there yet. Im in a bikini and I guess that is all that matters.. I got a friend that just got a membership to Golds Gym so she is gonna start going with me.. It is so much easier when you have a work out partner.. Someone to keep you motivated and for you to help motivate. Have a great summer everyone.. I have been working on my tan.. My kids and hubby say I need to stop Till next time.. Be a looser!