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Topic: Daily Inspiration/Angel Wisdom
You can't keep blaming yourself. Just blame yourself once, and move on.
- Homer Simpson
Be an angel today! As it's difficult for angels to manifest in human form, we can often take on their role for a moment or two and help someone in their name.
- Margaret Neylon,
"An Angel a Day"
From the book, An Angel a Day by Margaret Neylon. © Margaret Neylon 2003. Published by arrangement with Thorsons / Element.
Topic: RE: Happy Sunday to all.
What are the happy times you look back on with this WLS journey?
Fitting. Everywhere. Chairs, booths, seat belts, hubby's lap, clothes. Doorway's, grandson's arms. Everywhere.
Are there any regrets at all
Not one
And,,,,,Your sad times before your surgery...Care to share them?
The worst was once, when walking in town, walked by group of teens and one of them 'moo'd' at me. I will never forget that as long as I live. It was right there and then I started on my journey to where I am.
Topic: Good morning one and all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i just wanted to stop by and wish everyone a great monday morning!!!!!!! just want to spread sunshine around on this very chilly morning in iowa. it was only 36 degrees this morning when i got up..... have to keep busy so i can keep warm.....
have a great week..........lynda
Topic: RE: Whew!!!!Finally joined the CENTURY club!!!!
Lisa, Congraduations to you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

You have done a great job. Keep up the good work. Doesn't it feel great??

Topic: RE: Whew!!!!Finally joined the CENTURY club!!!!
Congrats!!! It must feel really great!
Keep up the good work!
Topic: Whew!!!!Finally joined the CENTURY club!!!!
It took almost 10 months to get there but HELLO, I am in the CLUB. 101 pounds down. I'm still so happy and excited that I had this surgery. It feels so good when I see someone who hasn't seen me in awhile and they have to scoop up their jaw to keep from tripping over it.
I feel GREAT! Except for the clothing problem. Clothes are expensive.. I shop at Goodwill and Salvation Army stores but man a lot of the stuff they have is either worn out or stained or just junk. So I'll just whine about the clothes and keep on losing the weight! WoooooHooOo!

Topic: RE: Happy Sunday to all.
Hi Lorraine,
Glad to hear you are doing well. I am slow with work right now and find myself looking @ this board and not many postings. I sell real estate and business is slow right not and I just sent in for my subitute teaching liscense which I won't be able to start until November.
I am excited this week for my first plastic surgery consult! Gonna see what they say they can do for me.
I hated photos before WLS. Not many photos of me @ all with my kids over the last few years b/c I was grossed out. Now I gladly pose for a photo and am making up for lost photos!
I don't miss food but I tell you I @ times fear my stomach is too big! It is amazing how much more I can get but I know its normal. Still cant eat like a normal husban and 2 little boys ages 5/7 eat me out of house and home.
Here's to a great week!
Karie -110

Topic: RE: Happy Sunday to all.
Happy Sunday to you too!!! It is slow around here today.....but to be expected it is the weekend.....WE had a beautiful day here today in Iowa...I hope this keeps up.....I love it, I wish I would have done more outside in it tho.....I mainly cleaned house and stuff.....I am having surgery Thursday, so I am trying to get my house in order so hubby and kids don't totally destroy it the three days I will be in the hospital!!!
Happy Times~Everytime I see someone who hasn't seen me in awhile and they are blown away.......or everytime I go down another jean size!!! Or that my kids now say I am skinny!!!
Regrets~That I haven't exercised like I should have....and could have ate better.....I have lost 125 pounds but it could be much more I am sure!
Sad Times before~ not getting x-mas pictures because of my weight....not having anything that fit........not being able to breathe after taking a shower and drying off.......everything really
Much happier times ahead for all of us I hope!!! Take Care

Topic: RE: Happy Sunday to all.
What are the happy times you look back on with this WLS journey?
Winning the fight with my insurance company was WONDERFUL. Coming home to my family after the hospital was great. I hated being in the hospital.
Are there any regrets at all? I wish I lost more weight and like you, that I had done it sooner, but other then that, no.
And,,,,,Your sad times before your surgery...Care to share them?
The worst thing for me was that when anything happened at school, I could just squeeze into the seats and it was painful. The metal on the sides of the chairs dug into my legs. I hated going, even though every reason we have ever gone has been something good for my children.