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Topic: Question of the day!!!
Boy it sure is quiet around here lately....Leads to a wonderful QOD....What is everyone up too these days??? We are all at or almost 10 months out.....what is your fave thing that has changed in your life, and what are you still looking forward too??
For me I am not up to much....Keepin hubby and kids happy....I go in tomorrow for a total hysterectomy....Gyno problems have worsened! Fave thing that has level....I am able to do so much more! Thing looking forward to the most......Being content with myself, and finally being able to say food no longer controls me....I am working on it!!
Take Care everyone
Topic: RE: 10 months out
Wow Steve that it awesome. Congratulations!
How wonderful it must be to have someone special to share this exciting journey with you! You must be so happy and I am so happy for you! Keep up the great work.
Topic: RE: 10 months out
WOW Steve! We have the same anniversary date and you've hit 200 pounds already!
Way to go! I haven't hit 100 pounds yet... Keep up the good work!
Topic: RE: Canadian Surgery
Well, that totall stinks. How is one suppose to know what it costs? Are there any Canadians on this site who would check for us?
Topic: RE: Canadian Surgery
I contacted a ps in Canada and they said they are restricted by law from giving prices to USA residents. I'm not sure if that is for the whole country or not...but I was disappointed.
Topic: RE: 10 months out
RE: 10 months out
Hi Steve, way to go. So, what kind of things are you doing now, that you couldn't do before surgery? For me, it's my walking for miles and miles. I have done 8 in one day. I was tired but not exhausted.
Hi Noan
Well walking, swimming,driving,playing golf,and so much more.I have walked 3 miles but that is almost every day.It is a great thing wls,good luck to you. steve
Topic: RE: 10 months out
Steve, Congradulations on that amazing weight loss.
I also want to say congrads on meeting a nce woman, That is hard to find... A good mate. I have now hit my "ideal goal" and now I feel wonderful. I know what you mean. Keep up the good work
to you. Good luck with your new found happiness. You deserve it.
Topic: RE: 10 months out
Hi Steve, way to go. So, what kind of things are you doing now, that you couldn't do before surgery? For me, it's my walking for miles and miles. I have done 8 in one day. I was tired but not exhausted.