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Topic: RE: Hi Nona & 12/2003-ers
Hi Lorrainne,
I hope spring brings a better time for all of us. My youngest daughter was diagnosed with a tumor behind her eye. They have one more test to determine what kind of tumor, and whether or not it can be removed. Poor little one, she's been through so much and now this.
I'm the same, the pain is constant. I don't think I'll be working much longer. Even wearing clothes hurts, especially a bra. Scratching my back when it itches nearly makes me scream. Poor Joe rubbed some BioFreeze on last night, and I nearly passed out for the pain of getting it rubbed on. Poor guy can't even hug me. What a life for him. I'm glad my work week is over today. I can use the rest, and rest I am going to do. It's going to be cold and nasty all weekend, so I'm not going outside at all. I just hope it gets warm soon.
Topic: RE: Off Track also-advise ?
Not only am I experiencing the ongoing iron infusions but also the off-track drama. The stress of running my multifacted businesses assisted in my weight issues and now seem to be assisting again. I have gained 20 lbs since my lowest weight too. I need to get back on track and get this 20 off. If I only had 20 lbs to loose and I hadn't had this surgery I would probably be jumping for joy, but after all I have been through to be gaining it back is just a nightmare and I am afraid of being the person I was before. People around me are not helping, they are saying oh, you look so much healthier. Well, guess what people? I don't feel so much healthier just because I put on 20 lbs.......... what works for us? diets? anyone have success?
Topic: RE: Iron Infusions Anyone??????
My surgery date was 12/3/03. I have had 3 rounds of iron infusions to date. I am getting ready for one in about 8 weeks. It's quite a merry go around. I had a hemoglobin of 6.2 when they started them about 18 months ago. They are difficult on your stomache but so many symptoms went away that the side effects were minor. Raging PMS was the major issue after the iron. Breast pain, ovarian pain excruciating. Doctor prescribed effexor and in less than 14 days the pain lessened. I am told each person is different. Good Luck
Topic: RE: Off Track also-advise ?
You can do this......get back on track, that is. Sometimes, we have to be shocked or scared into it. It's our wake up call! Let us know how it goes.....

Topic: Iron Infusions Anyone??????
going to have to start iron infusions. real nervous. anyone had then done? what were your side effects? do you feel better? have more energy? able to stop eating for that pick-me-up during the day?
Any advise would be great. Thanks so much. 

Topic: Off Track also-advise ?
forgive my typing, i'm feeling too lazy to use caps. i am 3 years out and off track. i started at 308 and made it down to 175. over the last year i have gained and the scale flex's between 195 & 203. OMG the 2's again is all i keep thinking. somedays it seems for everystep forward i make i fall back 2.
Lately i have been having some medical problems. since surgery (of which i have NO regrets and would do it again in a second) i had an inscissional hernia repair, a recurring hernia repair, and then last year i hade 5 more hernias repaired. my entire stomach region inside is mesh. no prob, right. 3 weeks ago i got the intestinal bug. couldn't drag my butt out of bed. finally went to the doctor and she ordered blood work. Well, i knew i was now anemic but the results were worse than i imagined. not only was my iron down to an 8 but my hemoglobin was a 10.3 (low is 15). i had to do the stool test. Yep, that was positive for blood. i am having an ednoscope and colonoscopy 4/10/07. after they fix what i like to call "the leak" i will have to go to a hemo specialist. They will start Iron infusions by IV.
So no you know a little about me, i love to use the excuse, i'm so tired and fatigued everyday that i eat to stay focused, or alert, or to get energy. and of course i'm eating too much and the wrong foods. the more i become afraid of gaining the weight back, the more i eat. We all know that story.
Since i have to flush myself out before the test's 4/10/07, i plan to use that as a good time to jump start myself back on track. the infusions should help me get my energy back, not feel fatigued, and help me sleep better. i think once i feel better i will do better.
i wish you luck on getting back on track. i know what you are going through. feel free to lean on me anytime. it's always nice to know we are not alone. i honestly thought i was the only one experiencing weight gain.
i would love to hear back from you.
Topic: RE: Anyone else off track?
hello tracie,
forgive my typing, i'm feeling too lazy to use caps. i am 3 years out and off track. i started at 308 and made it down to 175. over the last year i have gained and the scale flex's between 195 & 203. OMG the 2's again is all i keep thinking. somedays it seems for everystep forward i make i fall back 2.
Lately i have been having some medical problems. since surgery (of which i have NO regrets and would do it again in a second) i had an inscissional hernia repair, a recurring hernia repair, and then last year i hade 5 more hernias repaired. my entire stomach region inside is mesh. no prob, right. 3 weeks ago i got the intestinal bug. couldn't drag my butt out of bed. finally went to the doctor and she ordered blood work. Well, i knew i was now anemic but the results were worse than i imagined. not only was my iron down to an 8 but my hemoglobin was a 10.3 (low is 15). i had to do the stool test. Yep, that was positive for blood. i am having an ednoscope and colonoscopy 4/10/07. after they fix what i like to call "the leak" i will have to go to a hemo specialist. They will start Iron infusions by IV.
So no you know a little about me, i love to use the excuse, i'm so tired and fatigued everyday that i eat to stay focused, or alert, or to get energy. and of course i'm eating too much and the wrong foods. the more i become afraid of gaining the weight back, the more i eat. We all know that story.
Since i have to flush myself out before the test's 4/10/07, i plan to use that as a good time to jump start myself back on track. the infusions should help me get my energy back, not feel fatigued, and help me sleep better. i think once i feel better i will do better.
i wish you luck on getting back on track. i know what you are going through. feel free to lean on me anytime. it's always nice to know we are not alone. i honestly thought i was the only one experiencing weight gain.
i would love to hear back from you.
Lori [email protected]
Topic: RE: Hi Nona & 12/2003-ers
Hi to you and "CONGRADS" on your RN. I knew you could do it!!
to you.
Hi Nona and I hope you are feeling well. I have been eating and it seems I just can't stop. I feel I can't get full. Alot of my eating are back to late nights. I know I must stop. I have gained 10 pounds back in 3 years which is not bad... but not good. I had foot surgery and could not get around and I am now back riding my bike. My clothes Size 8 are tight and I am not going to the next size. I will stop and behave myself.
My eating does not get bad until after midnight. Hard tiime breaking those habits. Isn't that crazy? I will soon bring out my spring clothes and have to fit in them.
Have a great day
Hope you all stop in and say HIIIIIIIIIIII
Again Sunny
I am excited for your sucess!!!!

Topic: Hi Nona & 12/2003-ers
Nona, I just got your post wondering where we all are....I graduated RN 12/16/06, took my State Board on March 1, learned that I had passed on March 3...the same time my son and his family lost their beloved pet (possibly to this dogfood poisoning) and I started a job as a school RN on March 20. Right now, I'm still in orientation at the clinic and developing my skill at giving children's immunzations.....what a challenge.
I'm tired. My breakfast consists only of my cafe con leche (2) w/splenda and lunch is either FF cottage cheese and SF jello or a protein nut bar. I'm so tired when I get home that dinner is "whatever is available." I did walk in a 5k race last Sunday and made the 3.1 miles well under an hour and that was pulling my two grandchildren in a wagon behind me.
So very sorry to hear about your continued pain Nona. I just pray that you will find some kind a relief thru medication and/or therapy that will improve your situation.
You mentioned your weight and having lost some.....I'm still holding at goal but even with my limited caloric intake I find I am addicted to watching my weight. I need to exercise more....that's for sure.
Hope others respond and let us know what is going on.....three years and almost 4 months post op for me.....Wow!

Topic: RE: Hi All
My gosh, where is everyone? There hasn't been a post since mine in over 6 weeks! I finally had the time, and energy, to be able to come in to read and say hi, but no one has been here. Has everyone left?
I'm down to 135 now. I have been diagnosed with Guillienne-Barre ME/CFS, a deadly form of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It acts like MS and Lupus eating your body alive, draining it of all energy, leaving skin, bone, and wracking pain. I can't afford to go to pain management specialists, my rheumatologist won't increase my pain meds, so I'm left to suffer. PT and OT make it worse. If I can't get it in to remission, I have about 1 year left. If I can control it, maybe 10. The complications from the disease are what kill you, not the disease itself. The pain is unimaginable. If anyone has ever had kidney stones, that's what it is like, all day, all night, everywhere, all the time. I keep working because I need health insurance and meds to keep going.
But where is everyone? Lorrainne, Desi, Sunny, everyone who was originally posters? Please stop in and say hi.