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Topic: Happy Spring to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there to all my buddies here. Ladies and Gents. Let check in and say
What are your Spring plans?
Mine are to play in the garden. I am home now, retired and making a nice garden. I am adjusting to this retirement life. I am also pumping up with my bike riding and I am back down to my weight I was before the foot surgery.
How is everyone feeling?
I am feeling good..I feel a bit pulling in my stomach and sure hope it has nothing to do with that terrible hernia I had fixed in 2004. My new Disability Coverage begins June 1st so if it continues, I will have it checked out
How is your eating doing?
I still can't deal with ice cream or fatty foods. I do
much less. Yes,,, the crunchies go down well and I just keep them out of my house. Meat is still a problem until it is tender. Pasta is a NO NO for me. Rice also.
Anyway Happy Spring to all. Please stop in and just say HI!!!
Lorraine ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) to all.

Topic: RE: Almost a month since last post.........
Nona, I am sorry to hear you are not really feeling that great. I went to my Social Security Office locally. Just get ready with all you medications listed with names of all Drs addresses and phone numbers.Marriage license, and birth certificate. All info is important in this journey. It took me 9 weeks and I got it and also I will be getting a pension since this is a Permanent Disability. Have your Social Security card and all ID ready. I have a great line I log onto that is so helpful
"Social Security Online" is the site
You can Email me anytime at [email protected]
If I can help you any or need to talk lets share.
Topic: RE: Almost a month since last post.........
Boy, it sounds like everyone is doing so great. I sure do envy you. I would love to just be able to go out and just walk around my yard, pull some weeds, visit with my neighbors, anything. I'm struggling to keep my weight above 130. I refuse to go any lower. I can fit into some size 4 jeans, some size 6/8 tops. Other jeans, size 6, other tops, 8/10 depending on the make, material and cut. I have a lot of loose skin sagging on my arms and legs. My health is getting worse and I don't know how much longer I can work. Lorraine, would you email me on how you went about applying for disablity? I need all the info I can get because I think I will be going in that direction very soon.
Topic: RE: Almost a month since last post.........
Sunny, Hi there to you and all my friends!!!!!
I am fine and enjoying my new retirement. I was approved for Social Security Disability and that entitles me to my full pension from the hospital. I had hammertoe surgery in November and it just was so painful. I still have not healed. The diabetic nueropathy made it very hard. I took my luck and applied and in 8 weeks got it. I have been in nursing for over 30 years and have bad knees and lots of other problems that were incurred with the obesity.
I am still with my boyfriend. It will be 1 year in July. He is so good to me. We are both stubborn and its hard to change someone, so we are adjusting. We are both middle aged and he has never lived with anyone. He is the most respectful kind man that I have ever met.
Now..................."THE FOAMIES" I get that from too much fatty foods. I still can't eat ice cream. Maybe a Blue Bunny No Sugar added Pop. I gained 10 pounds laying around all those months with those feet. I have started bike riding so I had taken off all but 2 or 3 pounds. I have come to far to let myself gain and have those diabetic symptoms again. I tried on my Spring clothes and all is well. I still am wearing a Size 8. Boy I tell you this will always be a struggle for me. This is an addiction that I fight every day. I am eating better and now moving more, so I hope to get down even a bit more. Thin sure feels great
I am happy your career worked out. I bet you are some great nurse. Happy Anniversary to you and talk to you again. I bet you can't wait for that grandchild. I have not had the chance yet to become one. My daughter still does not speak to me, What can I say. It's her issues. I do send birthday cards and holiday cards. but no response. I believe in the Power of the Lord and leave it in his hand.
God Bless and let hear from everybody.

Topic: Almost a month since last post.........
Well, I see that Stephen posted 4-5-07.....almost a month ago. So how is everyone and what are your plans for the summer?
I'm working now as a school RN between two elementary schools. Classes end the end of May so I'm taking my "summer off option"....guess I will be busy with grandchild number 4 arriving late July or early August. DH and I hope celebrate our 35th wedding anniversary with a nice trip somewhere special. I would really enjoy "squeezing in" a medical mission trip but with the baby coming, not sure it will happen this summer. I do want to start a more ambitious exercise program. I think it may be time for a gym membership.........I still tend to get the "foamies" real bad when I eat too fast or eat something with garlic in it......otherwise, I'm doing okay....I still have to remember to eat sometimes, though..
...especially at lunch. And, breakfast is rarely more than my cafe con leche's with splenda.
I hope my December 03 "buddies" are doing great!

Topic: RE: Hi Nona & 12/2003-ers
Nona, Hi there and how are you? I am sorry to hear that you are suffering with pain so bad. I use "Tigers Balm" It can be bought in alot of Korean stores and it does relieve pain. It all seems to burn a bit. My prayers are with you all the time. I am thinking and listening to the news about this shooting at this school yesterday where many students died and were injured. My prayers are there and you came to my mind.
Please keep posting and stay in touch.

Topic: RE: Saying Hi
Hi Steve, I'm doing a bit better. Joe and I found I need to sleep more, 10-12 hours a night,
and limit my 'projects' to 2 a day, when not working. ONe big one, and one little one. Like on Friday, after sleeping 12 hours,
I vacuumed the stairs and hallway, dining room chairs and cleaned around the pellet stove. Then I rested for 2 hours. Then I unloaded the dishwasher. In between I did 2 loads of laundry and made dinner. That was it for the day. Saturday, after sleeping 11 hours,
I dusted the house and went grocery shopping. Then made dinner. That was it. Sunday, after sleeping 10.5 hours,
I mopped the kitchen, and cleaned only the oven door and finished the laundry. Joe did the bathroom and the vacuuming, did the big cleaning on the pellet stove, brought in the pellets, cleaned around the litter daily, did laundry, mopped during the week, helped clean up and helped me shop. Well, actually, he does most of it. I just go with him. But I think we've found the right balance, I hope. I do feel pretty good today. Let's just hope it continues. The down side is I will have to go to bed long before he gets home from work each night, so I will only see him for a few minutes in the morning, and on the weekends.
But, as Joe says, it's better than being so sick, that I have to be helped get to my car to go home at night. I really hate this disease.

Topic: RE: Saying Hi
Steve, Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Easter to you. I hope you have a great day. Where have you been? How are you feeling? Enjoy your holidays and lets see you more so we can say
Hi and happy holidays to all my buddies here on this December Board!
I hope we all answer Steve posts just to say a quick HELLO!
We must all try to keep in touch. I know our lives are busy, buts lets not forget each other. We all share the same new "BIRTHDAYS" ....our rebirth.

Topic: Saying Hi
Hi Everyone
i just wanted to say hi and I hope you are all well.I hope you have a happy Steve