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Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Thank you Nona, by the way... you look great!
I am trying to hold onto all the positives in this's hard, but I know in the end it is exactly what god had planned all along.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as well..Take care.
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Thank you for your reply and support. I hope things turn around for your cousin too. Wow, four years for a first offense is harsh.
My son was very lucky and blessed to have been given a second chance...I just hope he see's that.
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
What a scary situation! I know you must be having a difficult time with all of this. My cousin got into trouble with drugs/alcohol a few years ago and has spent the past several in jail (before he even turned 19). He is a good kid but fortunately this has been an ENORMOUS wake up call. Who knows what might have happened if he hadn't gotten in trouble when he did at such a young age. I know my Aunt has struggled with this whole situation but regardless of the $$$ involved it is your child and you love him!!!
No one ever wants to see their kids go thru hard times. I know that you will survive this and be a stronger person when it is over. Just remember that you can get thru this without the crutches of food and alcohol. I wouldn't wish this on anyone. I have seen first hand how hard it is financially and emotionally on a loved one. I just hope that when my cousin gets out of jail he will make it up to my aunt by never going back to that lifestyle (he was dealing acid/pills (large amts) in his area --which is why he got 4+ years jail time for his first offense and refused to turn over his BIG time supplier/dealer where he is from.)
Your son was very lucky to walk away without being significantly harmed. I know he must feel horrible. I hope he continues going to meetings and getting the support he needs.
We are here for you.
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Dear Diane,
My oldest daughter was bulemic and then got on drugs in high school. She went from being a cheerleader to dropping out of school. I couldn't get her to school at all. I remember thinking she might kill me in my sleep. She made life for the whole family terrible. She stole from me. I took her to many different types of places for help, nothing did. Eventually, I went to the state to have her declared unruly. I was numb after awhile...tired of crying and lost hope praying.
She ended up stopping the drugs, went back for her GED, has a good job, married a GREAT guy, and just had a baby. That horrible past seems like it was just a nightmare that is over now.
I know about the stress and worry that won't go away, and the guilt is the worst. I thought she was bulemic because I was fat, because she certainly never had a weight problem.
I already pray for you every day, even before I read this. Sometimes I think it is really hard to pray when things are going so bad so it has always been a relief to me to know that there is someone else praying for me when I am a wreck.
Love never fails.
God bless.
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Oh my gosh, Diane, what a terrible thing for all of you to go through. I know it's hard when tradegy strikes, but try to look at the good. First, he's alive. Next, his passenger is alive. Third, he's going to AA. You got him out, so he won't lose his insurance. He has you in his corner. These are all plus's. And, you have this group for support. It will help you. Even if you don't post, just reading can help. I know it helps me get through the bad days when I see my daughter in a wheel chair. So keep coming. Take care. You are in my thoughts daily.
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Thanks Elaine,
He is doing a great job in AA! He has been attending a meeting every night since the 11th of Feb. He has gotten a sponser and started working the 12 steps. I do see a difference in him...a spark of hope is back in his eyes.
Thank you very much for your compliment, support, and prayers!
Take care,
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Thank you Kim. Things just have to get better, I believe this and pray for it. I have began to take care of myself a little better...I started working out again to get rid of this damn depression. It's helping and my appetite is coming back.
Thank you for your prayers!
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
I have told my son that numerous times, that God has spared him. Everything happens for a reason right? God has plans for everyone and in his time he will reveal.
Thank you for your prayers!
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
Sherry, you are absolutely right about addiction being hereditary. I have an alcoholic father, brother, grandmother, and lots of aunts and cousins on both sides of the family. I've kept my children far fom them while growing up, but sadly I battled (for years) with alcoholism. Though I am sober now (7yrs) I still battle with the guilt that is a constant factor in my parenting skills.
You are right about therapy too, I planned on calling this Monday.
Thank you!
Topic: RE: Talk about Depression
I do hope it was a wake-up call for him. I know it was one for me as his parent. I need to be stronger and let him deal with the consequences.
I will try to take better care of myself.
Thank you for your prayers!