Who is cold like me?
Hi guys and Happy Wednesday to all!!!
This is my 2 winter after WLS. I am making everyone crazy.
It seems everywhere I go I am freezing.
If I go to my family, I am turning off fans, turning up heat, shutting windows. I have heat in my apartment and have a heating mattress on my bed. Wherever I go I am so cold. When I get in the car, I don't let anyone open windows. It is cold here in NY.
I was never cold one day in my life.
Do you think losing the weight is the only reason?
My bloodwork is good, I am not anemic, so whats up?
It does not makes sense to be this cold.
I put A/C s in this year and never turned them on. I don't think they will go in this year.
All your responses are appreciated.
Thanks guys
Lorraine (((((((((((( freezing here in NY))))))))))))

Hi Lorraine,
I'm sure one of the reasons you are colder is because you have lost your "insulation" . Face it.....fat is warmer....
You know I don't live in a cold climate
(well, it's in the high 50's this morning so I'm wearing jeans and a long sleeve sweater.) but I always carry a jacket with me when we go to a restaurant.
They just never seem to adjust the airconditioning which stays on 24/7 here.
Having said that, I'm warmer in post op year 2 than I was in post op year 1. One way of looking at it.....you can save $$ on the AC electric bill....and have more $$ for shopping
Stay warm today.

I am kinda weird when it comes to this too.....Man the first year I was freezing.....this year has leveled out pretty well and I am normal (comparable
) But there are still times when I freeze no matter what I am doing, and then there are the times I get hotter than heck for no apparent reason
ANyways stay warm and take care