Sharing my Joy
Hi there guys.
I hope everyone is fine this holiday season. Most of you guys who know me, know that 8 months ago my daughter moved out and we were not on very good speaking terms since my WLS. She had some issues. I think that is because her WLS failed her.Anyway we have become very close again and even though it is not like it was before...."SHE WILL GRADUATE TODAY FROM COLLEGE WITH 2 MASTER DEGREES" She will have her Masters in Finance and Marketing. Myself and My ex-husband will share this joyous occasion.
I raised her alone and waited for this day. I am glad we are back talking again through this holiday season and I am so
today nothing could spoil it for me.
I just thought I would share this joyous moment with you guys.
Enjoy the holiday season and stay safe

I am so happy for you! I have a daughter who got into serious trouble and won't talk to me because I disapprove of what she did. I would give anything to reconcile with her, but I can't condone what she did. So I share in your joy of re-gaining your little girl. And a big congrats on her graduation. I had to withdraw from school for medical reasons so I know how hard school is. Good for her!! Enjoy the time with her.