Kari and Jesi
Hello Nona and Lorraine
So nice of you guys to think of me. I hate being MIA for so long. It just seems I am in a funk right now, with not much advice to offer people. Ever since my plastics in August I have been just horrible.....I was upset with the results, and gave myself excuses to eat and be lazy.......I am still up 10lbs from that. Once you get back into old habits......it is downhill I tell ya!!! I can SO see how people fail at this.....once you start gaining.....it is so easy to feel sorry for yourself and hide......The last place I wanted to be is here, giving advice, when I know I am struggling so bad....ya know?? I was seeing a shrink and they changed my meds around and really made everything worse for awhile.....I actually went back to my PCP and had him put me back on some general meds. I am already starting to feel a little better.....I also got two books that are helping me a little too. I know when I am feeling like this, I truly need to be here as these boards are my only WLS support, but it is hard!!!! I am slowly coming around as I am starting to feel better and realizing I am the only one responsible for myself........Embarking on two years out is crazy.....I thought the first bit out was hard...but man the work is getting harder and harder the farther out I get......Not an easy ride for sure!!!!!!! On top of all my self pity and depression my dad had an accident at work and got pretty banged up....They live on 5acres in the country (not a farm) and there was a lot of unfinished work to be done before winter that he couldn't do(he had been building a new shop and it had to be finished).....They live about 2.5hours away and me and my hubby and kids have been there A LOT helping out.....so I am tired, and behind on work at my house
I don't even have my Christmas lights up! But, on some good news...my dad will be fine, in a couple months
And I am having some more work done on my tummy to hopefully get rid of the roll thing that had me so depressed. So without babbling any longer thats what I have been up too! Nothing crazy and fun.......But I know this is where I need to be, being honest and getting support.....I need to hop on the Iowa boards too.....I used to be there daily and dissapeared from there too.....Need to just suck it up
Thanks again for asking about me.....I am on the right track (I hope) and I won't stay away so long!!! Take Care

Hi sweetie,
Glad to hear from you. I know how easy it is to slip. I gained ten pounds too. Well, closer to 12. But I've got 6 of them off, but it is so much harder to get them off than it is to put them on. So easy to gain but so very hard to lose. Why is that?
We just need to be here for each other, even if it is just to listen. I know I am under so much stress, I am close to tears all the time. I feel like I"m failing everthing in my life, school, weight loss, family, work, everything. Nothing seems to be going right. Now my PCP is testing me for some new autoimmune diseases, one called 'Sjorgens Syndrome,' (sp?) and C.R.E.S.T. syndrome. It just never ever ends, does it? It so totally sucks getting old.

Thanks Nona~you always have such sweet words of advice! What have you been doing to get those 6lbs off? It is so much harder to take off than put on
I hope everything comes out okay with the tests. It is nice to come here for the support.....I wish us both some strenght to get thru!!!! Thanks again , and Take Care

Dear Jesi,
I think almost all of us struggle with this. Since I post all the time how I want to get to normal weight...it actually depresses me that I am not there. I tried the idea from Nona to just drink protein for a day or two and I lost a little weight, but I feel as though I can't eat or I don't lose at all... and I am talking about eating only protein. When people say they snacked on this or that... I would gain 5 or 10 pounds doing that. I try to keep very busy otherwise I mope about how unfair it seems to me that I gain so easily and always have.
To top it off, we are having some money problems. My oldest daughter got herself into debt and we took out a loan to help her. (she is paying the payment for it, but we had to take the loan) My husband is terrible with money and I have always been the one to have to do without things because he buys everything he wants.
My twins are 17 and very social. Up until a couple years ago, we did a lot together (and my second oldest daughter used to live her too) Now they are busy, and I am very lonely. My husband (who feels he has the happiest marriage in the wolrd) has always just ignored me unless he needs something. He goes out with his friends a couple times a week. So yeah, I have been fighting depression lately, thinking about what in the world is going to happen to me when my children are all out of the house. I won't even have anyone to talk to.
I am gonna go exercise now. I actually hate exercising, but I like the results. I do tons of situps. I wish I could see those muscles!
I will pray for you and your father. (Every night I pray for you, Nona, Lorraine, Diane and Luvitsunny and anyone who posts that day that needs it)
what would your husband say if you told him, right to his face, that you were unhappy, lonely and felt he ingnores your and you want his attention? My Joe was the same way until I actually told him these things and I wan't gentle about it, either. Now, he is the bestest hubby a woman could want, and the bestest friend anyone would want. Sometimes, we have to be a little cruel to get the point across.

Dear Nona,
I am a communicator. I tell him. I tell him about once a week that I am unhappy with our marriage. I tell him I am lonely. At my daughters wedding, I told him that if he didn't do anything to change things, that after our kids were gone I was gonna leave. He hasn't even kissed me romantically in 17 years. He says he loves me.
I have to fight being bitter. I resent the way he has treated me. When I was at that wedding I thought if he changed things would be better but now I am beginning to feel like I don't WANT a relationship with him anymore. I don't know if I could ever trust him with my heart again. I don't hate him, and I care about him, but he doesn't do anything to make me feel loved at all.
Sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been sick.
Wow. What can I say? I have to admit, your situation does look like it has reached its end, especially if he won't respond positively and try to work things out. If he hasn't been romantic that long, is he seeing someone? Or could he be ill? Male problems? Some men, when they can't fulful their 'manly duties' won't even try to fulfull the woman's need for affection. Just a thought. I am so sorry you're hurting like that. I wish there was something I could do or say that would help ease your hurting. Just know I'm here if you want to talk, anytime.

Hi Nona....I am a bad person I have not been on this site forever. I have been just so busy. I am still maintaining my weight even thru the Holidays. In fact, I get so busy I can drop 5 pounds just too darn easy which is not good. I am 5'5 and weight 113...I try to stay at 117.
My 2 year check up went great...no problems here. Just amazed of how well things are going.
Enjoy 2006!
God Bless,