Two years ago...........
On December 1st it will make 2 years since I had weight loss surgery.So much has changed for me.I went from 598 lbs to 225 lbs today.I have found love and now live with April.I am 45 but feel like i'm 30.I have regained my health and life is good.I no longer get the stares from ******** and I look forward to each and every day.When I was 598 lbs I didnt care if I lived or died but now I have a new zest for life and plan on being around for a long time.Two years have changed my life and if not for wls I know I would be dead today.
two years ago life didnt matter
two years ago,I was much fatter
two years ago,i didn't look ahead
two years ago,i wanted to be dead
two years ago weighed down by my myself
two years ago,I looked and found help
two years ago,I risked my life
two years ago,I saved my life
two years have gone fast,and i'm happy again
two years ago my life did begin
I hope you all have a great day steve
two years
For me, it will be 2 years on Monday. It went so fast, didn't it? But with so many changes. I don't regret anything, except going to real food so fast. I think if I had stayed pureed longer, I would have lost more. But...well... at least I'm doing better weight wise. I am so glad for you, Steve, you seem to have finally found the right combination for your life. I hope you and April found it all and keep it always.

Nona, Happy Anniversary to you on Monday!!!!!!! 

I will be having my vein ligation on Monday so let me wi**** to you now. You have done well. I am so proud of you. Isn't your husbands name Joe? Tell Joe I said take you out and celebrate in whatever way you wish.
Talk to after I recupe which should take a day or 2. I am a
when it comes to pain and getting back on track.

Going out to celebrate would be nice, if it were possible, but not right now. I have hand surgery coming up, a calcium deposit in my wrist is causing a lot of pain so it needs to come out, school is very demanding, and my daughter is very ill again. Her dilanin levels are down to 1, and she's having mulitple seizures again. So I am running between her house, my house, the hospital and work. No party for me for a while. But thanks for the nice idea.

How are you? I know you have lots going so......... CELEBRATE IN YOUR HEART AND IN YOUR MIND" I sure hope you daughter will be OK. I have heard from daughter and after 8 months she seems to be coming around. She called to ask me did I need someone with me on Monday when I have my surgery.
Take care of yourself and I will say a prayer for your daughter.

Stepen, Hi there sweetie!
Just pinch yourself and tell yourself this is your new life. I have to do it also. It felt wonderful to be able to shope for Christmas without huffing and puffing and my feet hurting from the Nueropathy, from my diabetes. Our risk was worth it huh?
Have a great day....Lorraine
P.S> (((((((hug))))))))))))) your sweetie with those skinny arms.