I'm Home
Hi Everyone,
I'm home from surgery. They took 9lbs of skin and fat. I will be off work for around a month. I have two drains and a brand new belly button. They couldn't save the old one 'cause it was down too low, so he fixed me up with a new one. He also lifted the pubic area so it looks normal and doesn't have all that extra skin hanging on it. My DH Joe calls me his little 'borg. (Star Trek-First Contact) I could bop him one, if I could catch him.
I had good muscle tone so no muscle repair and I didn't have any Lipo. But even with the swelling and fluid, packing and drains, I am still down 5lbs and 3inches on my hips.

Nona, Hi there girl
How are you? I was thinking about you and was happy to see you posting again
I am so glad everything went well. Now you have a new belly button. Mine is so ugly before my WLS, and now it's worse. I will wait until next year for my LBL. It has not been 1 year yet since I had that horrible hernia surgery. I am so scared to touch anything right now. If I had the money, I would do a Face Lift. I went in on the Lotto with some co-workers. Maybe I will hit it!
Take care of yourself
Give that DH Joe and BIG ((((((((((HUG))))))))) You are a lucky person to have a man like that. Get plenty of rest....

Thats too funny.....I was just gonna post if anyone had heard from you
Glad to hear all went well!!! WOW......your already down weight....good for you
They cut off 7lbs from me, and I am still up a few pounds and it has been over a month
I am still swelling and have two seromas (fluid sacs) And haven't been eating the best! Do you like how it all looks? I hated it at first....but it is getting better! Well I am glad to hear your home and doing great! Were you shcoked to hear 9lbs, I know you were thinking it was gonna be a lot less....Congrats again! Now get your rest and drink a lot of fluid!!! Take Care

OMG!! I Said I bet 9 lbs just in case you had a bet going and what do you know! YAY! You sound HAPPY! I am glad you are back. People here seem like family. I am glad you have some time off work too. Wi**** could be more. How are you feeling? Do you have pain?
Thank you for the message. Take care and God bless.
Hi everyone,
I'm doing ok. I had my drains out and half my staples yesterday and am very sore today, so I am taking it really easy. Some co workers got together and got me a card with money and lovely tote bag with kitties. I love it. Going to hang on to the money till I see what my co pay for the proceedure is going to be.
I am down 10lbs as of this morning. My dr thinks I'll lose another 5 when all is done and all the swelling is gone. My eating is good. I'm really watching the carbs, no sugar at all, and lots of protein. But I can't eat as much as I did before the surgery. Maybe going on the fluids for three days did shrink my pouch? Or maybe its the binder? Or a combo of both? In any case, I am content with about a cup of food at a meal, total. No way I did that before. So things are going good so far.

Dear Nona,
You make this surgery not sound bad at all and losing weight!!! That is wonderful. Whenever I lose even a half a pound it makes me feel happy. Is it hard to walk?
That was so nice of your co-workers, but it probably has something to do with your good personality. Everyone likes you.
I am still praying for you and I hope the soreness goes away soon.
Nona, I am so glad you are doing so well from your surgery. I am still awaiting scheduling of my surgery, but I am laughling out loud. You girls talking about your belly button. That is one thing I won't have to worry about. I don't have a belly button. It was removed in a previous surgery. But now as someone said, maybe they can give me a new one. What would a bikini be without a belly button.
Take care girl.
God Bless you,
Hi Carol,
I'm doing fine now. I can walk upright, drive, am back to work full time and starting to exercise again. It was a long haul, but I still have to take things slow, or I hurt a bit. To get a new belly button, you have to have the cord that is attached to your abdominal wall. If it was removed before, they probably can't give you one. They made mine a little too high. It looks kinda funny, but I'm not complaining.