Hello Everyone
I haven't posted in a very, very long time. I stay quite busy with work and now that I have a LIFE! But anyway, I don't know all of you, remember some of your names, but just wanted to stop in and say hello and to let you know that I've lost to date 225lbs! Its just been incredible! I started at 387lbs on my surgery date of 12/2/03 and as of May 2005 I've maintained my weight at 162 lbs! I haven't experienced any problems except with the "I can't seem to stop wanting to buy new clothes" syndrome. I have some lose skin, not much considering how much I loss and my surgeon says it varies from people to people. I do want to have PS, but if it happens it won't be until next year, or if I win the $111 million lottery...yeah right! (I will fix up everything from the rooter to the tooter)!
Anyway, Lorraine you still look great, I haven't read much but is Tracy the Swan still around?
HOpe all is well with the Decemberites of 2003.
387/162 and past goal
Hi there Lyric, Thanks for you kind words. I am trying to maintain. You are 5ft11? You must look fabulous
. Yes I have the same syndrome as you.
" New Clothes Syndrome" I still see the fat girl in the mirror. I am tall and thin wearing a size 6 or 8. I am 5ft6. Life is grand. I am in the same situation as you needing PS. The LBL is covered under insurance.I will consider that next year not now. I hope to win lotto money to do the rest. There is alot of work. My skin is loose, considering I am a nurse and my arms are tight. I have loose skn on my thighs,my butt is hanging and I will learn to deal with it now.
I have not seen or heard from Tracy.If you look on the Message Board you will see a post from her.
Take care...... Lorraine
At Present...............135lbs " AT GOAL"

Hi Lorraine,
Yea I am 5'11 and it is funny to hear people say "you are skinny!" I haven't heard that in years...I use to weigh 160 back in the early 90's! I wear 10's and 12's - depending on designer.
Looks like I didn't win the $111 last night cause now its up to $131. I have to look into what my insurance will pay for. I remember when I first was having WLS that they were saying that somethings may be covered especially with the amount that I've lossed. I hope so cause I really can't afford to go into debt (anymore than what I am already in) to get the PS.
Also...about a year or so after surgery I saw my surgeon in the grocery store and he didn't even recognize me! I don't see him, but I see his staff for check ups...he laughed and said "You made it happen" I just set things in motion!
Take care,