Update, before and after pics.
Hello all December '03 buddies....
It has been a while since I checked in here, but I wanted to let everyone know that finally I am feeling really good. I had my gallbladder removed 06-07-05 and it made all the difference in the world. I have even gained some much needed weight..only 7 lbs but what a difference it made in my appearance. I don't feel like a walking skeleton anymore! I am still pretty thin, but I look so much healthier.
I sent in my official before and after pics and they have been posted to my profile. I am still amazed when I look at them.
WOW.....I rememeber you.....would have never recognized ya without the before pic tho......And geez your BMI is only17.....isn't crazy how this whole thing works.....some people can't quit losing and some never make it to goal.....
I am glad your feeling better,.......I hear the gallbladder can be miserable experience to go through when it decides to go bad!!!!! Hope all continues to improve and pop on here every once in awhile!! Take care

Thank you Jesi! It is weird how this works. I never in my life ever thought I would be worried about being too thin! I also read your profile.. How are you feeling with the PS recovery? Bless your heart I can't imagine the pain you must have been/still are in. I am wishing you a speedy recovery!

Hi Lorraine!
I appreciate the encouragement and compliments. I have fun sometimes with the looking like a different person. I work at a hospital and we have 2 locations. I worked at one location for over 12 years and right before my WLS I was moved to the second location. Now when I go back to the main campus for meetings etc... I can walk right by people I have known for years and they don't have a clue who I am until I start talking... Its funny!
PS.. my middle name is Lorraine

Thanks Nona--
Like I said to Steve, It sure is nice to hear positive comments. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
I guess from now on we all will struggle with our weight in one or another.. but isn't is great to struggle with just a few pounds instead of a few hundred?.. I would do it again in a heartbeat!!