Happy Thursday to all.
Hi Lorraine, Nona here,
Getting a bit nervous here. Sept 7th is coming fast. Training my replacement for the time I will be out.
Don't mind the heat at all. It's been dry, too dry. We need rain badly.
I start my classes on Monday. My first CLEP in next Thursday. Science, physics, biology and botony. Don't know why I need them for accounting, but I gotta take em

Hi Lorraine,
I had a few days of babysitting where I didn't get one chance to look at the boards. My second daughter bought her first car, new car (neon) and asked us to go with her. The salesman there wanted her to sign this form for the loan that wasn't filled in and to say the least, it turned into a fiasco! She has the car now, but it came close to us all walking out.
My car is dead and I am looking for a used car. In the meantime, I feel trapped. I don't drive my husband's truck unless I absolutely have to. I am too short and it doesn't adjust right for me, so I can't judge distance well in it.
My oldest daughter seems to be going through a post-partem depression that worries me.
I used to be the freeze-baby here. Now people want to turn off the air and I beg them not to!
THANK YOU NONA! Look, I waved!! (I think, I won't really know until I post)

It's hot in So. Florida but at least there are the nice ocean breezes. Hubby and I celebrated #33 wedding anniversary last Friday. He got me some beautiful flowers, we had a wonderful dinner and he is getting me a membership at LA Fitness. (I need the weight lifting now rather than the aerobic exercise.) Saturday I pressure washed the pool patio.....thought I might get a little red w/sunburn but didn't.
Always good to see your posts and know you are well.