You Guys Aren't Going To Believe This, But...
I received a letter from my insurance company approving me for the tummy surgery. I near fell over with shock
But, I guess I'm on my way to looking normal. And Joe says that as soon as we pay off our last credit card, I can get my arms done. Wheee Haaa!
So many things have gone wrong in my life, but so many have gone right. This is the virtural icing on the cake.
Just wanted everyone to know.

Dear Nona,
Did you say before that they refused you once? I couldn't remember. That is wonderful, really wonderful. My tummy is so in my way. I have no rashes though. I don't think I would ever have the money for plastics, that is for sure, but I like thinking about it. It is amazing to me how it worked out to be so good for you, even as to it being a slow time at work. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Allison,
Yes. It was because the dr sent the request to the local Blue Cross and not my provider in Missouri. Once they sent it there, I got approved right away. My company also pays short term disablity, so I even get paid while off work. I'm not sure if it'll be full pay or partial, but any will help.
I know there are others on this site that have had this done. Would you email me? I have tons of questions.
Allison, do you have health insurance? It may pay for it, even if you haven't any dermitis. It depends on how much skin, sometimes. I had a lot, maybe 5 or 6 lbs.

That is so very sweet. Thank you. I still can't believe it is happening. First, school, then this. And everything is falling into place. A perfect balance. I put in Jehovah's hands, just like I did with the bypass, and it came to pass, and smooth as silk. Amazes me every time. Thanks again for your kind words.