A failure...
How do you find the time? I work from 6-6 M-Th and school on Fri, Sat and Sun. I spend one afternoon a week cleaning my daughters, and do the best I can with mine, when I can. How do you do it? What's your schedule? I do exercise when I can, but it's not as oftne as I'd like, so I'd love to hear how you schedule it in. Thanks in advance.

I do exercise, usually 5 days a week for just over an hour at a time. I do an aerobic interval tape, lifting weights for one minute, then aeroibics, back and forth and it has sit ups at the end of it. I add extra leg work and situps. As for people as busy as Nona, I know when I took care of my mother-in-law 24 hours a day, it was the only time in my life I had no time to exercise, or do anything else for that matter. I was exhausted! I guess just try your best Nona, to get it in when you can, and know that some day you will have more time. Maybe you can do one of those 8 minute tapes a day. My daughter, who is very busy does those and has really kept in shape. They aren't aerobic, but if you have more muscle it burns more calories then when you don't have them, even at rest. Just an idea.
When I thought about it, I do some exercise. Just don't think of it as such. I walk in and out from the plant every day, about a 1/4 mile each way. I do it briskly, so I am breathing hard when I get in or to my car. I park as far away from the door as possible when I go shopping. I always use the stairs. I thing going for a walk at lunch instead of eating might be an idea. I can walk from one end of the plant to the other. It's about 2 miles round trip. I can always eat while I'm working. I can't do that every day, due to weather, but maybe a couple of times a week, or at least get out for a few minutes and walk around while it's still cool in the morning.I do enjoy a sleep in on Saturday's, all the way until 7 or 8, but I guess I could get up at 6 and go walking. Although sometime, I really need the rest. I will have to think about that one.
Thanks for the ideas, MD, Allison and Lorraine. You all are the bestest.