Hello WLS,
I haven't posted in a while, I'm 18 months postop and feeling great and look good. I just turn 37 yr old, and I got some great news from the doctor. I'm 14 weeks pregnant, I'm excited about my news, but also little scared because I gain 10 lbs, I know this is normal, but I want the scale to go down. The dr said I should gain about 25-30 lbs during this pregnancy. I was wondering if anyone who has had the WLS, gotten pregnant and gain weight, but could lose it after the birth of the baby. This is will be my first baby, since I have a miscarriage 13 years ago and thought I couldn't get pregnant anymore. I'm not worry about the extra pounds, but I do want a healthy baby. My OB/GYN said that it was safe to have this baby since the surgery, but I have heard that you should wait a couple years before trying to get pregnant.
Have super, fantastic and wonderful day!!
Before WLS: 383
Current: 255
Goal: 175
Pager email: tbennett@skytel.com