Great looks--Africa again this summer!
Hello everyone,
I will be tarvelling to Africa again this summer for the final burial rites for my dad. My husband and I will be going until august. I hope to bring back pictures and learn how to post them for all of you to see. I plan to leave around first week of june and be back by the third week in august.Yes, we are teachers. One teaches college and the other high school. Most of you would have wondered about the long vac. so I saved you the pondering. I will miss you all whilst I'm gone. I will try to keep in touch from Nigeria if I'm able. I promise to Flaunt my size 10ish dresses when I get home. Please keep in touch everyone and show off your :cool : sizes and your N-E-W YOUS. We've all come a long way.Cheers to you all.

You have a great time. I have lots of friends from work from Africa. Alot of them are from Guana. We were looking last night at Videos, gospel ones from there. I enjoyed it so much. I can't belive you have such a long vacation. I am SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR JEALOUS. You enjoy and yes flaunt that "BODY". I am now wearing a size 6 from a size 26/28. Life is good. Lots of skin hanging...
but who cares. When I wear clothes it looks great,naked ...another story.
Hold your sweet head up and enjoy your vacation, even though some of it may be very sad. I will have you in my prayers.
God Bless you and have a safe trip.........