15 mos update

on 3/7/05 12:46 am - Sunny South, FL
To have had a relatively quiet year post op I am now experiencing some things.......of course, it always happens when you start a new job, right? I have had three bad "attacks" since January -- nausea, vomiting and pain between shoulder blades all across my back........ gall bladder ultra sound revealed what I suspected all along -- gallstones. My surgeon also wants to do a scope to make sure there is no narrowing that might be part of the problem as well. (That is scheduled for March 16.) I went to the gastroenterologist that the surgeon recommended and on exam he felt like I had a large aorta for my "thinness". (He knew I had lost 110+# thru WLS.) I had all weekend to worry about the possibilities.....but my faith came thru and this AM, thank God, my ultra sound of the aorta showed a good aorta function, size, etc. She showed me on the screen and I listened to the flow and/rhythm. She showed me where my skin was and where my aorta was and because there is no "fat cushion" anymore, just skin, the aorta can be heard and felt easily. I whispered a prayer of thanksgiving! I go to my surgeon on Thursday for results and hopefully scheduling the GB surgery. As thin as I am now at 118 I feel great and know without a doubt that my surgery 15 months ago has helped me achieve a healthier body and lifestyle. I will be posting some new pictures soon. I hope all my fellow 2003 Decemberites are doing well and seeing all there goals achieved. Blessings to all. Ruthanna (luvitsunnyVB~lo/goal)
Karie *.
on 3/11/05 12:30 am - circleville, oh
Ruthana, First off glad to here your report came back with good news. I know it is my faith that brings me thru everytime! Sorry, to here about your GB. However, I do hear of lots of WLS folks who end up having to have theirs removed. You have done a super job with your weight loss. I am still in awe myself that I am still losing and wonder when I will stop....not to be weird but don't wont to get too thin. I have lost a total of -136lbs. I had my second PS consult the other day. I was pleased with what this doctor had to say. The first doctor I saw said I needed to have implants also with my breast lift. This doctor said I would be better with just a lift and then if I wanted more fullness to had that later . I am forsure going to get the TT...getting insurance to pay for that...have to play their games of paper work first. Take care and God bless! Karie
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