Whats your winter excercise?
Hi there Karie, I really am not an exercise person. I know I am bad
I do love to walk. Since my hernia surgery in September I have just walked. It is snowy here so I go up on the boardwalk, where it is clear. Once the weather gets better, its back to power walking for me and slow running. I do the whole boardwalk which takes me 1 hr.
I am into nursing so I get all the arm exercises I need.
Take care Karie, Keep up the great work.
Lorraine -113pds
Hi Lorraine,
I see they have my new pics up. I can't complain. I am really doing well, health wise. I am drinking two shakes a day, and found a liquid vitiamin that I really like, I think it's called Vita-gold or something. It comes from www.vitamist.com and it tastes like Tang. It has iron, calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, manganese, boron, E, D, and C, with 10mg of protein. It's not cheap, but I feel less tired than I have in months, so I guess it's worth it.
PS. Just wish I didn't have 'chicken neck'
Twice a week I do at 20-30 minutes on some cardio machine ( whichever I'm least bored with) followed by an hour of strength training with a personal trainer. (She really kicked my butt yesterday, ouch!) I try to swim for 20-30 minutes two other days, but don't always make that. Then, for my fun exercise, I ride Teddy (my horse) at least 4 days a week. He really makes me work; by the time I've kept him working for the 30 minutes he needs, I'm covered with sweat, even though it's below freezing.
To keep life interesting, I'm training for an "indoor triathlon" next month. It's a 10 minute swim, 20 minute stationary bike, and 15 minute run on the indoor track. The winners are the ones who cover the most distance. The times are short enough that I shouldn't have trouble keeping moving, but I'm not planning on winning.
Hey, that more than I thought I was doing. Cool.
I am doing the same thing I was doing before. Aerobic interval training. It is 1 minute of weights and one minute of cardio. It lasts 50 minutes and I do it 5 days a week. I used to do it 7 days a week, but lately I have been taking the weekends off. I really like it because I feel like it gets every muscle in my body. I hate exercising really, but I like feeling fit.
Being in South Florida most of the time the winter doesn't change my exercise routine. Walking, biking and lifting hand weights. One of the perks of my new job is access to the gym so once I am acclamated I hope to start going to the guy and taking advantage of the weights for lower body. Right now I just take the steps and walk as much as I can around the building.
Have a good evening.