WHere is everyone?
Gee, it is obvious from our board that we are all so busy with our new found selves. I know I have really been running here in last 2 months. With being so busy I dropped like 7 lbs last month and already 3 lbs this month which brings me to -128 lbs lost!
I have attended the training classes for Obesity Help support group leaders and am trying to get a support group up and running here in my area....I am excited about that.
Well, thats all hope you all are doing great. Here is to a good year in 2005!
karie -128lbs
Hi Karie
How did it get to be January 12th already? I have also been busy running here, there... and over there. I am so greatful for the energy I've been finding as the weight goes down, otherwise I think I would keel over in exhaustion.
I'm now down 142 pounds, and just started training for a triathalon. My health club is having an indoor triathalon next month that my trainer has talked me into trying. It should be relatively easy, as there is a set amount of time for each phase and the winner is the one who has the longest total distance. I know I can do all the times. Who cares if I don't cover much distance, at least I'll be competing.
Teddy (my new horse) and I have been getting along great. He is the sweetest guy. Last weekend I sat down in his stall with him and he fell asleep with his head in my lap. He's just like a big dog, but I can ride him. We're starting to jump tiny jumps, which is incredibly exciting for me. I can't wait for spring, and trail riding season.
Gotta get back to work,

Hi there Karie, How are you doing? I have posted some stuff and by the responses, I guess people are busy with holidays and their new found selves. I hope your holidays were great and your family is fine, What is new with me well...........
I am holding my weight of 132 lbs up down 1 or 2 pds. I am happy to maintain that. I am 5ft6 and that weight is fine with me. I am down -113 pds
I have a new boyfriend and I think
is here finally for me. He is 5 years younger and its like an
has come my way. We met before I had my WLS. We enjoyed our holidays together. It was great.
My health is good. I am beginning to digest food much better. I still can't eat much. Funny the crunchy cookies go down better than the food. The hernia has finally healed up since my surgery in September.I no longer have any pains. I do have constipation problems but some MOM helps me.
Keep posting and take care
Hi to all that just read and don't have the time to post

I know this board got so slow!!!! It was neat too, knowing we were all on the same time frame and such!!! I check in every once in awhile! I am still plugging along......I had been at the same weight for a couple months and just started moving again! I am at a loss of 133lbs to put me at 161! I sitll want to go down to 140lbs but know that is going to take some major work on my part! The first six months were so much easier....lol!!! I should start a support group in my area too....the nearest one to me is an hour away and once a month! I wish there were something closer and on a more regualr basis!!! I have been just keeping busy being a mom and wife......the kids and housework keep me busy! How is your pursuit of plastic surgery going??? Well everyone take care! Have a great day

I'm here! I read a lot. Lurk. I've had a bad case of the tireds. I have a low protein and have taken steps to correct that. I just hadn't had the energy to type and answer and respond to a bunch of posts. I am a part of many BB's and I haven't been too active on any of them. But I am doing better today finally, more chipper. Seems the protein shakes are working. I just need to maintain what I am ding and probably increase how many I drink in a day soon.
That is me in a nutshell. Sorry I have been so quiet. I will try to be more active.
Chelle -118
Yes, I've noticed the board getting slower. I may not always have time to post but I still come to the sight regularly. I started a new job January 6 for a medical group that is part of a longevity center and spa. I really enjoy it even though it is quite a lengthy drive from my home. I especially like the idea of enjoying the fresh fruit snacks, healthy meals, and the gym which are part of my benefits.
As far as the weight loss........it continues at a very slow pace. I started out at 226 and I am now at 114. I'm 5'5" so I look really thin. (It's not always easy to find 0 Regular.) However, these issues are nothing compared to the poor health issues I was facing 14 months ago. I'm so grateful every day for this life saving change.
I hope we always find time to post occassionally. You have and continue to be such a wonderful support. I wish all of you continued success in 2005 in whatever you endeavor and where ever your journey takes you.
Blessings, LuvitsunnyV

Hi there Karie, Here I am again. I am going to work overtime today so I just figured I would post and tell everyone 

I may not always post but I am always reading.
I love and need all you guys. You were all my inspiration through the toughest year and most sucessful year of my life. Lets keep posting OK?