Computer Crashed....
I've missed posting and reading post so much!
Just got my computer back up and running after upgrades and fine tuning it seems the old pc is gonna be better then ever now.
New Years Resolutions?! Yes, and let's see where do I start?? I'll start with the ones I allready broke
- did'nt even try really, but want to sooo bad.
No more coffee - again did'nt even try, but need to.
Sugar - goes with coffee
Exercise - to be more vigilant, but with work and school can find no time. The truth is I've only worked out a handfull of times since Thanksgiving
Those were really the only ones I had....and I broke them all
I've been feeling down and out from the lack of exercise I'm sure. The scale has not moved an inch a awhile, but am happy with my loss thus far.
As far as other posts I've been catching up on. I've read that a few of you found out you can tolerate sugar....Beware! I've always been able to tolerate it and have several teaspoons in my coffee even though I know it's packed with carbs and the worse possible choice I can make. I wish I would have never figured out I can tolerate it. It is about the only raw sugar I eat though. Everything I bake is made with Splenda. I did have Sees chocolate truffles for x-mas though
...but just 2!
I also read that a few people are able to eat so much more now, well don't feel alone....I am able to eat alot now too and I hate that I don't get the pressure I used to that tells me to quit eating. I am actually thinking of calling my Surgeon to ask about the possibilty of a revision in the near future. It sounds sad but I am so afraid of gaining anything back. It is scary that I can eat almost twice what I could before though.
So guys, it seems we are all at about the same place in our journey's which is comforting as always. Hang in there to everyone who is struggling at this point...and know your not alone!
~*~~*~*~*~*~*~Happy New Year Everyone!~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


Hi there Diane,
Happy New Year to you and your family
I hope the New Year brings you all and more.
I seem to be able to each much more now, but food is very limited for me. I fill up very fast. Its the crackers and junk that I have a never ending pit in my stomach for. I have to watch out for that stuff. I am still down - 112 pds. I am weighing 132 lbs and holding. I hope to try to maintain this for life.
It seems so hard to do, but I will try.
When I eat regular food I get that full feeling right away and have to stop, I know that I must start with my protein first.
As far as the New Year I had a great time. I have a new boyfriend whom I adore. I hope
is in the air for me. I have been seperated for 18 years.
I am glad
you are back and posting those wonderful angel postings.
Keep up your great work and lets finish this wonder WLS journey, even if it's at a slower rate for us. OK?
and let the
be watching over you.....Lorraine