Daily Inspiration/Angel Wisdom
A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs --jolted by every pebble in the road.
-Henry Ward Beecher
By aiding..."beings of light" every day we can slowly yet surely bring the energy of angelic love closer and more clearly into every area of our lives and of our world.
- Margaret Neylon
Hi Kim
I am doing so much better now that I've had these last couple of days off
. I work retail so you can imagine how busy it's been. I am just barely finishing up my Christmas shopping today....how sick is that?!
Anyhow all else is going good. The doctors are re-evaluating the ovary and hernia in Feb., so for now the pain has subsided and I'm feeling more positive. The hernia is small and can wait and they want to re-check the growth on the ovary in a few months. When I get the hernia repair they will take the growth at the same time, or maybe the whole damn ovary...who know's
I hope this Holiday Season is everything you hope for
Not too sick as I just finished my shopping today too! I had to hit the American Girl store and now I am done!! Glad to hear that the pain has subsided. I hope you get through the holidays pain-free. I am so looking forward to the holidays. We had a little snow dusting the other night and I was chasing my daughter outside with a little snowball and she stopped and said, Mommy you can run now! I thought, wow, how cool is that!!